Friday, December 21, 2018

The "Let Us" series continued

"Let us not therefore judge one another anymore - but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way".
We just read that we are to "warn them that are unruly", so when we are told to not judge one another anymore, this does not mean we are not to "know those who labor among us". If a wolf in sheep's clothing comes in, or a Jezebel, or a homosexual or a hypocrite or an adulterer, we need to judge them so we can call them to repentance and restore them into right relationship with God. We need to see if they will repent or are they there to cause discord among us or infect others with their unclean spirit, or teach false "doctrines of devils".
No, when we're told to not judge one another it means we are not to judge as if we are above them, better than them and we are not to judge who is to receive our love and who we are to serve with our time and money. We don't decide who is worthy. We are not to judge by outward appearance who has been sent by God to us, we judge only by the anointing. They may not fit our understanding or prejudices of who God will use. They may be a woman, or young, or single or black or Jewish or an Apostle or Prophet.....all are welcome if they have the anointing of the Holy Spirit (they may be a young, female, black, Jewish prophetess, Amen!)
"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another". All things must be done for edification. This is a quick way to tell if someone is walking in the wrong spirit, they're judgmental and they use prophecy to criticize - their words wound rather than heal. What is the fruit of their ministry over time? Generally speaking, Apostles and Prophets are the ones God uses to bring correction or to expose a Jezebel or wolf in sheep's clothing but they will do this privately first, then publicly if the party involved does not receive correction.
Let us "receive one another, as Christ has received us to the glory of God". Again, let us not pick and choose whom we'll receive and not receive based on outward appearance. Remember, all of us have fallen short of the glory of God, who receives all who receive him. A prostitute should feel just as loved and accepted in our midst as a wealthy Investment banker. She should be as accepted as Mary Magdelene was loved and accepted by Jesus.
Let us "salute one another with a Holy Kiss". Cultural norms must give place to Biblical norms, to our everlasting benefit. It's hard to kiss someone and stay angry with them (just ask my wife). It's also hard to remain strangers with someone you've kissed. It's akin to washing each other's feet - which we should also do on a regular basis for one another, for more than our feet are cleansed when we do this to each other. Imagine the healing that could result if a white congregation went to visit a black congregation and washed their feet. I like radical believers with radical love. We should also serve Communion to one another as often as we gather together. There is tremendous virtue and healing in the Communion elements that go a long way to maintaining a healthy Body of believers. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...