Saturday, March 16, 2019

Do you remember the Hurricane that hit Houston awhile back? It was a horrific storm and a friend of mine from Ireland texted me at the time "Hi Chris, so the Texas situation. Why do you think it's happening in a presumably God fearing state that is conservative? This was my immediate reply - and I never so much as thought these words until then - led by the Spirit, I looked up the meaning of the word "Houston". The storm is God's judgment on religious, dead Christianity in America. "Houston" literally means "Hugh's town". "Hugh" means "mind, intellect". Religious Christianity, i.e. Denominationalism, America's favorite form of Christianity, leads people into an intellectual relationship with God, not a heart relationship, which God despises. They constantly fill their minds, week after week, with knowledge about God but rarely meet with God for they are eating from the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil, not from the Tree of Life.
This storm was a prophetic sign to America to flee Babylon and turn their hearts to Him, not just their minds. Prayers prayed from the mind alone, without the heart praying also, will have no effect.....By the way the hurricane that struck Houston was named "Harvey" which means "eager for battle". Yes, God is going to make war on all who abuse and misuse His name, who oppose Him with their hearts yet honor Him with their minds. Intellectual Christianity will be exposed and will fail and the walls of Jericho, from around human hearts, setting them free, to engage God heart to heart, not just mind to mind. The heart always comes first. Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, then mind, soul and strength.
"It is a terrible place for a man to be when a man is blind yet says he can see".
TO think we know, is a sin
when we do not know, Him
We use His word intellectually
yet don't digest Him internally
Only with mind, not heart,
yet we're surprised when He says - Depart.

Truth is a person we follow with our hearts, not a "belief statement" we agree to with our minds. Most churches are content to have you sign their "statement of beliefs". Now they will accept you and extend their love to you....flesh! Knowing a set of beliefs in our minds does not transform us into the image of Christ rather knowing Christ, in our hearts, transforms us into the image of Christ. We become like who we spend the most time with, especially as children. If we're spending most of our time with Jesus, we'll become more and more like Him. If we're ignoring Him and His Spirit within us, we'll become more like the world and the spirit they're walking in (hint: it's not holy). This is why it's so important to teach our spiritual children how to walk closely with Him each day - how to receive from Him, bread and wine and the water of the Word, personally. As children we're still "malleable clay", we can still be molded and shaped, we haven't hardened yet. Very few adults are still malleable, that is to say, teachable. Usually, once we're grown, we're set in our ways. If we spend most of our time seeking Christ through our Pastor instead of personally, we'll grow up into the image of our Pastor, not Christ. To the degree our Pastor is Christ-like, will be the degree we will be too, we inherit our parents good and bad sides, don't we?

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...