Friday, June 21, 2019

When Jesus died on our behalf, indeed as soon as he "yielded up the ghost" - "The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom". There is now supposed to be nothing separating God and His people, yet modern Christianity functions as if the veil is still up. The veil was something made by man, through his own strength and effort. Today's religious form of Christ puts man-made doctrines and practices (traditions) between God and His people. Churches treat their pastors like priests of old (indeed, Martin Luther admitted that he modeled the role of pastor, in the reformation movement, after the Catholic priesthood, and said the two were identical in every way but one). Old Testament priests went in to meet with God on the people's behalf and pastor's do the same today. The priests of old were mediators between God and man, offering sacrifices on behalf of the people. Now, we have but one mediator - "Jesus, the mediator of the New Covenant", yet today, the people depend on their pastors to hear from God for them, and they are convinced this is godliness. They seek for and look to their pastors for knowledge and understanding, for wisdom too. They passively sit week after week, year after year, seeking understanding from their pastor's mouth when all along it is found in the Lord's mouth "for the Lord giveth wisdom; out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding", but rather than hear instruction from God directly, they submit themselves to elaborate religious ceremonies that appeal to men, who look on the outward appearance, but do not please God, who looks on the heart. The pastor decides the order of the service, he decides how to interact with God - just as the priests of old did. They act as if the veil is still up. Perhaps it is, covering their hearts, preventing them from meeting with God directly, blinding them to the Truth himself, if we do not meet with the Truth on a regular basis, if we do not personally seek Him out as Nicodemus did, if we instead get our Truth through our pastors only on a regular basis, if we make an iron clad agreement with out pastors that we will never question what they teach us - that we will believe everything they ever say as if it's coming directly from God's mouth, then we play right into Satan's plan, to introduce lies to us, false doctrines, and a form of religious ceremony that appears to be godly (of God) but in fact is void of God's presence completely.
Churches think that their goodness is godliness. They hold up their goodness, such as feeding and clothing the poor, as a sign that they are godly. Yet the world is full of people, far from God, doing good. In fact many will say to Him on that day "Hey, we did a lot of good" and He will tell them to depart for He never knew them. So doing good works alone isn't enough, if they're done from a sense of religious duty or obligation, if they are done in pride, they are done apart from him, for all he does is birthed in humility. If we do them because our pastor instructed us to, instead of from the genuine love of God being poured out in our hearts, we will have no reward in heaven.
Yes, their endless religious "form of service" appeals to the flesh of man, which likes to boast, to do all it does for God openly, to be seen of men, to receive glory and honor from men, to point out to each other how godly they are and how wonderful their pastor is, all the while using him as a veil, denying God their hearts, giving Him lip service instead.

Part two in five days

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...