Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Part Two

Many false prophets abound today also - "For both prophet and priest are profane, yes, in My house I have found their wickedness, says the Lord". "I have seen folly in the prophets, they have caused My people to err". "Thus says the Lord of Hosts, hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophecy to you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto them that despise Me, "The Lord has said, you shall have peace, and they say unto everyone that walks after imaginations of their own heart. No evil shall come upon you". I, even I, have recently confronted one of these false prophets - I have also seen a rise in false prophecies on Face Book, where those in Babylon are continually told to remain where they are "everything's gonna be alright". God says "Flee from the midst of her, flee from Babylon, run from "Christianity" the religion as hard as you can. "Take heed that no man deceive you - for many shall come in My name (this can only refer to the 33,000 "Christian" denominations on earth today), and shall deceive many". Many deceiving many, yes that describes denominations today perfectly. "and many false prophets shall arise and deceive many".
Now picture Jeremiah, now picture your dad, (I'm speaking to my daughters), really a lone voice. I am "the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley (the humble) shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill (the proud) shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, the rough places plain, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it". We now live in a day when it's possible for "all flesh" to see something together. I am calling my out my people, as Jeremiah did, exposing them to their reality, judging their religion, exposing their hearts. Almost all the other prophets in Jeremiah's day were false (Obadiah loved and feared the Lord). The priests and prophets were false "Woe be to the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture! Saith the Lord". Oh how the pastors of today despise the sheep of the Lord's pasture! Oh how the seek to destroy them! "For when one of them, when one of My little lambs, wanders into and among their flock, they desecrate and deny them. Their anointing and their ministry, ordained by Me, saith the Lord - they bind them with burdens not of Me, saith the Lord. They rape My bride then scatter her afield, casting her away from their presence, but oh how they love to gather and fellowship with the false sheep, for false sheep love false shepherds but I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord. I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds, and they shall be fruitful and increase".
My heart within me is broken because of the pastors and prophets because of the Lord and because of the words of his holiness - I am become as a dead man, unable to move or speak unless the Resurrection enables me to. Jeremiah was thrown in a pit, (of despair), into a dungeon, much like Joseph - he was rejected by those who were his brethren after the flesh, but God sent a eunuch to rescue him and so shall God send eunuch pastors and prophets to rescue His people today - Men who will not touch His bride for any selfish, carnal gain, for their own agendas, ego's or pleasures, but will give her the honor that is her birthright "Then took they Jeremiah and cast him into the dungeon of Malchia, the son of Hammelech (Malchia means "The lord my king, my counselor" - here we see men believing they are following the Lord, and heeding the counsel of the Lord, by persecuting and rejecting His prophet, His anointed one. Jesus said they would kill us believing they are doing God a favor. 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

For my daughters -

That they might read and understand. OK, now picture this - Jeremiah. He's called by God from the womb to be a Prophet to the nations - "Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you, and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you a Prophet to the nations."
God has, the word of the Lord, has come to me, with this call also, except He called me His Apostle. Jeremiah was called to the nations but God's main concern is His people, Israel. Nations are judged based on how they interact with and how they treat God's people. Much of Jeremiah's prophecy's deal with God's people directly, for, as you know, "Judgment begins in the house of the Lord". So what does God have to say to His people through Jeremiah (me and many others like me) today? How corrupt they are. How far away from God they've drifted. How they've replaced God with their religion. How they've mixed pagan practices, customs and traditions with God's words and God's ways. They were mixing the holy and the profane then and they are doing it today. So God, mercifully, pleads with them to repent. He warns them that the end result of their wickedness and rebellion will be bondage in Babylon. He calls both their pastors and prophets corrupt - "My tabernacle is spoiled...for the pastors are become brutish (carnal, sensual, fleshly) and have not sought the Lord." "Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness."
Remember, God's portion, His heritage, what He desires above all else that exists, the crown jewel of His creation, is His people, whom He will enjoy forever as both His children and His bride. But alas, both His people after the flesh (Israel) and His people after the Spirit (The Church) have forsaken Hima and chosen other gods (themselves primarily) and they've chosen Satan's substitute kingdom, where they, men, can rule and reign as they see fit. In Satan's kingdom, men remain on the throne of their hearts. Satan very cleverly and deceitfully calls his kingdom "Christianity" - this is God's reaction to His people embracing the Anti-Christ spirit instead of His Holy Spirit - "I have forsaken My house, I have left mine heritage, I have given the dearly beloved of My soul into the hand of her enemies", God is so deeply in love with us but we have not returned His love, therefore "Mine heritage is unto me as a lion in the forest, it cries out against me, therefore I have hated it". Don't be confused by all the worship songs and hymns, it's a heart issue. The people are invited to loudly worship Him with their lips while their hearts remain far from Him. We may never go a day where we worship and praise Him, from our hearts, privately, composing poems and songs to Him and from Him and if so, if we neglect Him daily, many still think and believe their corporate worship each Sunday is enough. It isn't Our God is an all consuming fire, a very jealous God. So many show up on Sunday's to be seen of men. There are no denominations on earth where the Holy Spirit is welcome, completely, all the time, where He is humbly sought after and His will is done. Some may allow the Holy Spirit a few minutes during the service, or even set aside special meetings dedicated to seeking His presence, but none are submitted to Him, wholly and completely, on a daily basis. Yet the Lord has not forsaken them completely - I, and others like me, have been hiding in caves God has put us in "For it was so, when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the Lord, that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave; and fed them with bread and water" but soon we shall be released and revealed to whomever the Lord pleases. "Big name" ministries have their glory and reward from men. I thank God He has kept me hidden all these years and relatively unknown.

Part two in five days.....

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Every Pastor in America, including myself, should wear a T-shirt next Sunday that says "I was wrong". It's liberating, it's healthy and it's true! Not one of us teaches perfect theology. Finding and identifying error in our teaching is not only healthy for us but wonderful for the congregation! They get an example of humility they sorely need - they also get Truth! And they get to see the Holy Spirit in action - they get to learn by our example how to let the Holy Spirit bring much needed correction, making "course adjustments" in our doctrines, like a navigator must do when a ship sails off course (sometimes a storm will throw a ship off course, always let the Holy Spirit be your soul's navigator, putting you back on the path you should be walking). I've personally had to repent of believing false doctrines and at some point, I may have to again, depending on to what degree I'm submitted to the Holy Spirit. I must remain willing to listen to those who disagree with me, if they are doing it out of love for me, to build me up not tear me down. I may still be in the right but it's wrong to shut down opposing views without giving them the same respect we want from them. Be patient and listen - you may just learn something. With the right attitude on both sides, with both opinions seeking Jesus' opinion, with all involved wanting the Truth to be exalted, not trying to win the argument but trying to win the wisdom of God, we will all be the better off for it. Challenging one another can be very beneficial and healthy, if it's done with the good of one another in mind and heart. Leadership, we cannot nor should not expect our congregation to receive correction from us if we aren't willing to receive it from them. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Part two

Open your heart wide at this moment to genuine love. Not fleshly love or even soulish - not polluted love the world calls "love", but the purest, most wonderful love you'll ever know, the Love of God. Love (God) suffers long on your behalf. Love is patiently waiting for you to accept Him, Love (God) thinks no evil towards you, about you "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord your God, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end". Love (God) does not brag or speak boastfully about Himself, Love (God) "does not keep a record of wrongs".
I hope you had a childhood filled with love, the love of a mother and a father. Many of us these days (too many) grew up with only a mother's love, but still, think about the incredible love she gave to you, day in and day out - think of the fact that, no matter what you did, or said, she kept loving you. Unceasing, unfailing, never ending love. She sacrificed every day of her life for you, cleaned you, no matter how filthy you got. She fed you, clothed you, taught you everything you needed to know, then brought you to others to teach you what she could not. No matter what you drew on those first childish attempts to please her, to give something back to her, because your heart knew - deep inside, you were the center of her life, the focus of her existence, you knew she would be delighted with you, just being you, so you drew her a picture and no matter how sloppy it was, no matter if she could tell what it was or not, her eyes would light up, a big smile would spread across her face and she'd say "How wonderful! It's perfect!" And in your heart you knew you were perfect too because mommy's love said you were. And you were in perfect peace and content in your mother's love.
Now, let your heart receive this truth - This is exactly how your God loves you, right now, no matter how old you are. "AS ONE WHOM HIS MOTHER COMFORTS, SO WILL I COMFORT YOU". Rejoice! You get to be young again! You get to climb on your daddy's lap and have Him tell you a story! You get to be perfectly content and at peace in the knowledge your daddy loves you! You get to be perfect because His love says you are! It's not dependent on what you do or say, your perfection is dependent on Him alone. He will provide all you'll ever need, if you'll but turn to Him now and trust Him for it. "Therefore take no thought, saying, what will I eat, or what will I drink, or how will I be clothed?" Do little children think on these things? "For your loving heavenly Father knows you have need of all these things and will provide them for you. Our God really delights in little children. Love Him the way a little child loves their daddy, trust Him that way too. They're not ashamed of their love for their dad, why they'll jump into His arms and shout out loud with delight and they don't care who sees it! They're not embarrassed at all (that comes later, when they become teen-agers, lol). No, love God just this way, run to Him as He ran to the prodigal son, don't grow up, grow down! Don't reach a place where you're "on your own" and you don't need Him anymore. Get humble or as Steve Martin used to say "Get small".

Thursday, October 10, 2019

You know, you don't have a choice to be born. Nor can you choose when, where you're born, nor who your father and mother are. That decision was completely out of your hands - you were conceived and you were coming out, like it or not. But you can choose whether to be born again or not. You can take a long look inside your sinful, filthy heart and say "ok, I'm fine with it" or you can ask God for a new heart "CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART, O GOD, AND RENEW A RIGHT SPIRIT WITHIN ME". Like your first birth, your second birth is the result of love - two people's intimacy and passion for one another resulted in you and the passion and love that the Father and Son share for you, when joined with the Holy Spirit in someone who cared enough to share the Gospel with you and, or pray for you, resulted in your second birth, the second you. Even if you were born out of wedlock, as I was, love gave birth to you because both the first time and the second time you are born, you are formed by God. What ethnicity you are, how tall, the color of your hair and who you are spiritually when you come to Christ are all loving choices made by your loving God.
Not only does love birth you but love takes care of you throughout your childhood and love will not let you down now Love will keep you until you return to the place you were first conceived - Heaven, where the Father's love never fails. This is the main reason why God insists on marriage before sex. He wants each of us to be born out of the right kind of love, that is to say, eternal love. He wants us each to have a mother and a father, for both male and female are expressions of His love for us, in different ways. Combined, they form a perfect picture of His love and care for us. He wants us to know love from the moment we exit the womb and He wants our hearts to know, especially our hearts, Love created you! Love cares for you, deeply and personally! Love will never stop caring for you. Love ushered you into this world and Love will usher you into the next. Love has made room for you in Heaven. LOVE NEVER FAILS. Love is kind. God is love. He wants our hearts to know love (Him) from our earliest moments. So when we're told "God is love", the deepest parts of us, our hearts, our own "Holy of Holies", the innermost and most sacred area of the "Temple" (we are now His Temple - "Know you not that you are the Temple of God?" "And that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" will respond and recognize this truth, that "God is love". We'll say "Ah, I see! I get it!" "I know what that means". Our parents are supposed to model for us the fact that someone greater than us became our servant so that we might live and live well!
We must realize "someone had compassion for me in my weakness (every baby is born weak for a reason, so that they must learn to depend on someone else to survive) and sacrificed themselves for me that i might live. Someone suffered pain, great pain, that i might be born and I am fed and sustained by the milk of her breast and as a Christian I am fed and sustained the same way for does not love keep us and care for us and does not love flow from the heart which is found in the breast? Love flows to me as a babe in Christ, on His love i survive and continue to live off, throughout my walk with Him. I will never stop needing Him. God is our mother as well as our Father. Turn your eyes from an earthly mother, suffering labor pains on your behalf and put them on the Cross and behold your God, suffering great pain that you might be born again. See that you could not birth yourself. You could not climb out of your mother's womb in your own strength but know that in our weakness, His strength is sufficient for us. With man it is impossible but with God all things are possible. Just as you were too weak to birth yourself, to feed and clothe yourself throughout your early childhood, just as we must depend of someone else's love to sustain us, to survive, so must we live as adult, born again children of God. We are still too weak to birth ourselves into the Kingdom of Heaven. When we pray a typical "sinner's prayer" we do so from a position of extreme weakness. We still need someone who loves us to "Give us this day our daily bread". We are still completely dependent on someone else to clothe us with "robes of righteousness" (thank you Jesus!) We are still too weak to live this eternal life He suffered to give us, we still need Him every single day as desperately as a baby needs their mother and father to survive. Just as loving parents protect their child from harm, so does our loving God. This is the only way to approach Him and it is the only way to remain and grow healthy in His kingdom and it is the path to greatness in His eyes - "Allow little children and forbid them not, to come to Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven".This is why the Apostle John called his brethren that he loved and cared for "my little children".

Part two coming soon....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...