Sunday, October 20, 2019

Every Pastor in America, including myself, should wear a T-shirt next Sunday that says "I was wrong". It's liberating, it's healthy and it's true! Not one of us teaches perfect theology. Finding and identifying error in our teaching is not only healthy for us but wonderful for the congregation! They get an example of humility they sorely need - they also get Truth! And they get to see the Holy Spirit in action - they get to learn by our example how to let the Holy Spirit bring much needed correction, making "course adjustments" in our doctrines, like a navigator must do when a ship sails off course (sometimes a storm will throw a ship off course, always let the Holy Spirit be your soul's navigator, putting you back on the path you should be walking). I've personally had to repent of believing false doctrines and at some point, I may have to again, depending on to what degree I'm submitted to the Holy Spirit. I must remain willing to listen to those who disagree with me, if they are doing it out of love for me, to build me up not tear me down. I may still be in the right but it's wrong to shut down opposing views without giving them the same respect we want from them. Be patient and listen - you may just learn something. With the right attitude on both sides, with both opinions seeking Jesus' opinion, with all involved wanting the Truth to be exalted, not trying to win the argument but trying to win the wisdom of God, we will all be the better off for it. Challenging one another can be very beneficial and healthy, if it's done with the good of one another in mind and heart. Leadership, we cannot nor should not expect our congregation to receive correction from us if we aren't willing to receive it from them. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...