Sunday, January 12, 2020

Part two

Men often think they'll be heard when they pray because they pray long prayers in their gatherings but too often their prayers are vain - they're done more to be heard by men than God, they're done more to impress those in attendance that they have faith in God "When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites (actors) are - for they love to pray standing in their synagogues  (churches) and in the corners of the streets (outside, publicly) that they may be seen of men.....they have their reward".
Jesus tells us not to pray in public but rather "when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret" and He tells us not to use "vain repetitions" when we pray. Jesus is not saying we can never pray together publicly, in church or otherwise, a congregation crying out to God for mercy, confessing their sins or the sins of their city or nation  is a wonderful thing. Prayers from the heart as opposed to a mental assent to someone else's prayer are always preferred by God. Even the practice of leading a sinner in a sinners prayer of repentance (something I've done many times) may not be God's best way...perhaps they should be allowed to cry out to God from the depths of their heart under the Holy Spirit's conviction. Perhaps leading them in a "prayer of salvation" sets an unhealthy precedent. It may encourage them to depend on and look to you or the pastor for anything spiritual, for anything of God...instead of developing that vital connection to, that relationship with the Father through the Holy Spirit, who introduced them to Christ to begin with. Granted, He may have done it through the preaching of the gospel, he may have used your mouth to plant the seed of the Word in their heart - and he may use you to water that seed but it may be best, when the sinner comes to Christ- to tell him how to pray, not what to pray. Tell him he must confess with his mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord but he must believe it with his heart...not just his mind. He must realize in God's sight he is seperated from God by his sins but God wants to adopt him anyway, but let him express his desire for God in his own words.
Getting together every week to impress each other with how godly we are because we're gathering together does not please or impress God (or the devil). Getting together just to be seen and heard by each other does not impress God. We need to be seeking his voice when we meet. Getting together to love one another in deed as well as truth - now that pleases God. Deed - practical necessities met, food, rent money, electric bills paid, etc., and Truth - Not just teaching and preaching but prophecy! Prophecy is pure, 100% unadulterated truth, from God's lips to our hearts. If we'll let the Holy Spirit minister "to all through all" nothing will be done in the flesh, nothing will be done in vain for the Holy Spirit is the most humble spirit on earth...anyone anointed of and filled with Him will do all things with humility - no one walking in the Spirit will exalt himself or any other agenda. No one sent and used by God will teach carnal doctrines that exalt flesh over spirit, that honor men over God, that teach for the doctrines of God the traditions of men.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...