Tuesday, January 28, 2020

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     Do you understand and recognize that real Christianity is not a religion? Never has been and never will be? Do you hunger and thirst for God's presence? Has church left you empty inside, with a nagging doubt that there must be something more, that something is missing? There is a joy and liberty that can only come from the Holy Spirit's active participation in our meetings, from His leadership. If you're tired of submitting to and following man, instead of God, come and join us as we invite Him to minister "to all, through all". We are Freedom Fellowship....come and be free! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!

I am going to shake Babylon to it's core.....here in South Korea. I'm gonna rock it's very foundation. My weapon is the sword of Truth, wielded by the Holy Spirit. His anointing, His might, His power, His words alone are spirit and life and they alone can destroy Babylon in the mouths and hearts of willing vessels.

Sitting in countless church services across the world are apostles or prophets or teachers or evangelists or pastors but we'll never know because the only one allowed to minister is the pastor or priest - all ministry is done by them and a select few they choose, with the understanding that whoever they choose must be 100% behind the pastor, in total agreement, without question, supporting and agreeing with all he says and does: this is called humility! It's called godliness and it's supremely sad. So what if someone disagrees with me. As long as they have the right heart in them, as long as they do not "sow discord among the brethren" and do not teach "doctrines of devils" or "doctrines of men" for the commandments of God. We must all learn how to disagree with one another and yet keep the bond of peace. In the past, if one ate meat and the other did not, they would separate and start their own denomination. Our doctrines should not determine our ability to fellowship with one another. There is room in our fellowship for those who will and will not eat meat. In a typical English class here in Korea, there is a wide range of fluency, but they all learn something, the key is to continually desire truth in the inward parts and to keep the bond of peace. In my classes, i have the older, more fluent children help the younger ones, and this is a good model for churches also. We should pair up older saints (older in time spent with God, not in physical age) with younger ones...have them personally disciple them. Amen. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...