Monday, April 6, 2020

Awaken My Bride, My beloved,
the pearl of My heart.
Come away with Me,
from all that keeps
                                  us apart
I am your rampart
I am your strong high tower
I am your rock of salvation
full of might and power.

Come away
                          to a holy place
where you'll meet with Me face to face

Come away
                          to our hidden valley
please stay
                             here with Me

Where nothing can disturb our peace
I'll remove your heart's stones,
the ones the wicked have thrown.
Rest, be refreshed
besides still waters.
Lie your head upon My breast
hear each of My heart beats
saying My love for you is sweet -
In Me you are complete.
For I,
I am your strength,
I'll go to any lengths
to deliver you to myself
and keep you far from hell
For I,
I love you dearly
I want you now, to be near Me
See this clearly -
Oh My beloved, I put on flesh
so I could experience your death.
I became separated from My Father
so you could be united with Me,
your lover,
your dove
do not seek another
Come away, rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...