Monday, October 19, 2020

 Intellectual Christianity, still eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, presents truths as if they are something they have accomplished- as if they are wise enough, through their wisdom and understanding, to grasp it, as if it's an achievement of theirs - something to take pride in. They proudly display their "statement of beliefs"  for all to see - proving to all that they have wisdom.  Yet their "statement of beliefs" are merely words on paper. They mean nothing if the people are not allowing God to write them on their hearts - letting the Holy Spirit make them "living epistles" . All truth is a gift from the Holy Spirit to our spirits. It is grasped spiritually first, in our hearts, then with our minds. God adds knowledge to our understanding when it's Him we're seeking, not just knowledge in and of itself. 

Truth does not originate with us. It is graced to us by God who is fully capable of sending a "strong delusion, that they should believe a lie". We in no way earn the right to know the truth, neither is there something special about us that makes us deserve it above others. There is nothing in us, our intelligence for example, that makes us wiser than anyone else, except a willing heart, a humble heart, that will enthrone the truth and bow to him. The Holy Spirit reveals truth (Jesus) to us and He continues to reveal Him throughout our lives. He whispers in our ears "this is the way, walk ye in it." He first chooses us and His Spirit will always be our source of truth - not our own wisdom or understanding or any other man's. "God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through the sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth". 

Who is your source of truth? Is it your pastor? A book or TV program? This blog? Is man or God teaching you? How do you know if what you're being taught is truth or error? Only the Holy Spirit knows the difference. Do you rely on logic? Does it have to make sense to you? Are you leaning on your understanding, which God warns us not to do? Be very careful you do not mix God's wisdom with the wisdom of this fallen world, wisdom designed to glorify man rather than God. 

Jesus is our sound doctrine.  Spend your life in pursuit of him, not just knowledge about him, or even from him. Wisdom is a byproduct of knowing and following him. Find people that are seeking his face together,  whose fellowship is with him whenever they gather together.  I entrust you now, as always, into his gracious love and concern for you. God bless you and preserve you blameless till the day of his coming.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...