Friday, October 30, 2020

         Think of this - God never knew pain until He created us. He never knew loss, yet, His love for us is so great He created us anyway - knowing how much pain we would end up causing Him.

        Yes, He experienced Satan's rebellion, but Satan wasn't created to be his eternal bride - we alone have that honor. We therefore also have the dubious honor of being the only ones with the ability to break His heart "O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM!" How often do we see God crying out to us in scripture in obvious pain and distress! How many scriptures deal with His anguish? Yes, we have the ability to hurt Him - no other created being can claim that ( Satan can hurt Him only indirectly by hurting us, he cannot hurt Him directly like we can).

        The scriptures declare "He was wounded" - really? How could anyone or anything possibly wound our invincible, mighty God? We did it. Men. People. Human beings. He gave us the power, the ability, to hurt Him, and so we do. Why did He do this? He did this because to truly love someone means allowing ourselves to become vulnerable. We give the one we love the ability to hurt us when we open ourselves to them. This is the joy of being deeply in love with someone - we give them the ability to wound us, and instead they choose to love us in return, to echo our love, to bless and not curse. It's a risk/reward situation - no reward without risk, but when our love and trust in another is reciprocated  it's a much more profound love, much deeper because we give them the ability to hurt us and daily they choose not to.

        Yes, we must daily strive to not hurt our God, our heart's eternal lover, because every day He hurts, He grieves. He once said the saddest thing I've ever heard, and it grieves me that He'll soon say it again  - "it repented The Lord that He had made man on the earth, AND IT GRIEVED HIM AT HIS HEART" and He grieves this deeply todaym even more because He's left us His Spirit to help us not to hurt Him, because His Spirit reveals His words and His ways to us. Our generation is truly without excuse. Because now He is with us in Spirit, meaning He can personally love and guide each of us simultaneously. Yet, as in the days of Noah, most of mankind chooses to reject Him and in their heart of hearts, despise Him.

        Every soul that denies Him access, that rejects His companionship, every heart that turns away from Him, causes Him pain. He loves each soul personally. It is not His will that any should perish. So, let's each do our part to bring Him joy. Let's each cause Him to delight in us. Let's  put a smile on His face every day we're alive. May our love for Him be the wine that makes His heart glad, and may His love for us daily gladden our hearts.

        As His covenant people, let's stop grieving Him by our incessant bickering and arguing with each other about doctrine or any other excuse we make to withdraw our love from each other, completely ignoring His commandment to "love one another". We must leave our denominational strongholds and become what we're meant to be - fellow citizens of that great city, the New Jerusalem. Though we being many, we are one Body, in Christ. As such, let's follow Him alone, for indeed, we have but one king. Let's allow His mighty Spirit to unite us, oh how this pleases Him! 

        Let's look for the three witnesses in each other - the water, the Spirit and the blood. The Father, The Son and the Spirit. "And they continued in the Apostles doctrine" as should we. Apostles and Prophets can express His mind and will like no one else. Let's embrace the house church movement. Visit Find A House Church dotcom.

It's time to flee Babylon my people! Come out and be ye separate, saith the Lord!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...