Wednesday, December 23, 2020

 The following is a prayer from Prophet Charles McCarthy. I suggest you pray it by faith from your heart to God's. 

Father, i ask You to cleanse me right now from every influence and every unclean thing that has come through my mother's family line or my father's family line going back 100 generations. I thank you Jesus for cutting off every curse. I forgive those people for the choices that they made that were not holy choices and i repent for them, for those sins in my blood line that gave access to the enemy to affect me or my children negatively. I renounce any witchcraft,  sorcery, spells or enchantments, anyone who sold their soul to the Devil, anything Father with deep roots in Masonic, or any other blood covenant society. I renounce those things now, i repent of them and i ask that they would cease from going forward any longer in my bloodline or that of my family. In the name of Jesus, i present myself, Lord, as an Abigail,  coming to meet you, so that destruction doesn't come on my house because of past wickedness. I thank you Lord for reversing those curses and anything in my belief system that has choked off faith or made it hard to believe because of what has been passed down to me. I repent of intellectualism or walking in the wisdom of man, especially in my own efforts - instead of walking in the freedom of Christ, who has set me free and blessed me with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.  Lord, i thank you that i  am delivered now from any of those things that were binding me. I declare freedom in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh. I command the doors to be closed now and never to be open again  in Your name Jesus,  amen. Thank You Father.

If you would like to donate to Charles, his ministry is called Spirit and Truth Ministries. His ministry can be found on Facebook, Youtube and he has a website. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...