Tuesday, December 8, 2020

 Have you captured God's heart?

Many have found Him, but once you do, then what do you do with Him?

He's already in love with us, most know this - but it's how we respond to his love that makes Him increase in passion, moving heaven and earth on our behalf,  causing the sun to stand still while He fights our enemies along side us. He'll  part the sea, so we can escape the wrath of our enemy - removing nations who come between us and Him, writing us love sonnets.

So what have you done to capture His heart? He's done so much to capture yours! 

Sing to Him as passionately as worldly lovers sing to each other - "If I can't have you, i don't want nobody, baby".... " How deep is your love, I really need to learn" .... "You know it's you, Lord, whenever i get weary and I've had enough, feel like giving up"

Write Him personal songs and love poems, from your heart to His, He loves this! He really does - He told me so. You'll capture His heart - He can be romanced - H really can! He's actually very romantic, which is why He hates religion. Religions teach people to keep their distance from Him, and put their pastor or priest berween them and God.

Communion, after all, is a romantic dinner between Him and His bride - Communion is an invitation to intimacy,  "co-union", between us and God. Intimacy is God saying "Into Me, see?" It's God saying - let's enter one another, as lovers do, I in you and you in Me, by mutual invitation and consent.

Let me ask you this - what's the difference between a lover and a close friend? Physical intimacy- which is exactly what God wants - to dwell in our flesh, walking and talking with us daily here on earth, while simultaneously dwelling with us in His Spirit in heaven.

So, we are to become as two lovers entering into one another and becoming one, as male and female were one in Adam, so are we to become one in Jesus, our second Adam. Did not Jesus pray that we would become one as he is one? He wants us to dwell in intimacy with each other, spiritually, to model the intimacy the three members of the Godhead share. 

This is why He will one day say to some - "Depart from Me, I never knew you". Sure I knew all about you, but you never became My lover. You kept your distance. You met each week with a shallow version of Me, void of intimacy.  You went to your church faithfully but you were never faithful to Me. You obeyed your pastor but you disobeyed Me. At times you even prayed earnestly- your soul was moved with passion  but not your heart. To you I say depart, you who said to Me, depart. I'm giving you in the next life what you desired in this one - to be apart from Me. 

Dear one, it's not too late to become more intimate with Him than you are right now. Deep is calling unto Deep - answer Him! Yes! I want to grow in intimacy with You Lord! I want to cleave to you as a husband and wife cleave to one another. I want to hold nothing back from You! I know You held nothing back from me but gave Your all on that tree. Rise up, my love, my fair one  and come away! Come apart with me, into a desert place. You are all fair my love, there is no spot in thee! My beloved is mine and i am his! Come into my garden, my sister, my spouse, my dove, my undefiled! Oh my beloved, your desire is towards me! Set me as a seal upon thine heart. Make haste my beloved! 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...