Sunday, January 17, 2021

 So I'm driving along old highway 98, going back to where it all began for me , in the Panhandle of N.W. Florida,  back to C.I. - "Christian International", where I arrived all bright eyed and full of hope for my future, excited to join the company of prophets God had seen fit to bless me with, for teaching and training, way back in the winter of 1989, New Year's Eve to be exact. So much has happened since that naive young man of 25 arrived on this very road 32 years ago. Back then, i used tp pull over and visit the Fire Towers on occasion- i knew that the rangers would let me climb to the top if i asked them politely. I also knew that when i saw the "Watch Tower" along the right side of the road, i would be real close to the entrance to C.I.

As the tower came into sight, i unexpectedly received a word from the Lord - He showed me that we all need a fire tower in our lives - we all need someone to watch over us, to spot signs of enemy activity- we need someone close enough to us that they can taste it when our fruit is rotting.  They can smell the stench of the enemy when he's near, they can see his handiwork,  in our attitude or demeanor, or in our words. 

We all need to stamp out the fires the enemy starts in our souls while they're small. It's much harder to put out an entire forest on fire then one tree. This person we need, is almost never our pastor for he usually does not have the time or inclination to get close enough to us. It's usually our spouse or children  or boss or co-worker whom God will use to point out to us areas in our souls coming under the enemy's influence. We need to know when we're  LUI - "Living Under the Influence"  of the enemy, or our flesh and not His Spirit.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...