Friday, January 1, 2021

Prophetic insight to 2021


Hey! So you got knocked off your high horse!

Hey! So your life's been put on another course.

So.....why is there still so much pride in you?

Ya still got some humblin' to do!

For I will make low the proud,

I will resist them dont you doubt!

I am against every haughty look,

don't believe Me? Just take a look in My Book!

So in 2021 I'll continue to expose,

the proud and the wicked and all those

who hate the very mention of My name -

Behold! I am coming in 2021 to rearrange 

              and cleanse, and renew,

             and give new hope to

              those who despair

             in spite of My tender care

Oh you of little faith!

You've been taught to doubt and hesitate,

not with your mouth but with your heart - 

Religion teaches you to love in part.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.

Faith is the fruit of drawing near to Me.

Increased faith is what you desperately need,

ere the Gospel in you becomes wasted seed....

Fear not what man can do to you -

Have I not said , I am always with you?

This year I will continue to 

resist the proud and lift up the humble-

who are highly exalted in My sight,

in this and in the next life.

Some will think they have won, in 2021,

but will lose their souls forev,

thinking they are so clever. 

Deception is their poisoned bread,

commune with them and you're dead.

Stay the course! Stand your ground!

Don't you ever back down,

or turn around 

And in you will be heard the glorious sound

of My voice - setting the captives free,

Oh My dear ones - stay close to Me,

for only in Me is peace and safety.

I am the calm in the midst of the storm,

I am the One who keeps you warm.

Remember that I said these things must come to pass,

before the end will come, at last.

       With all the love in My heart,

                            Jesus of Nazareth 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...