Wednesday, March 24, 2021

 How can you set the captives free that don't want to be free?
 How can you open the eyes of the blind that don't want to see?
The sad truth is
too many don't care
to breathe the sweet air
of their   promised land.
They'd rather serve and follow and obey man
then honor God and His ways.
In prison they'd rather stay.
They'd rather not be free.
They'd prefer it if i throw away the key.
They'd rather not hear truth and gain the victory. 
They say "Don't speak, for we have no ears to hear.
We like our prison just fine,
you're wasting all those tears
and you're wasting our time.
Why our prison's the finest in this town!
And our jailor's the best that can be found!
We're quite comfortable here
and we're really well fed!"
And not one of them realizes they're dead.

They say to me, quite clearly,   "Be gone!"
"With your talk of the spirit of religion and Babylon "
"We'll continue to look at the scriptures,  not live them.
 Apostles and Prophets are never for now, only then."

And those that do choose to hear prophetic voices,
often prefer false prophets full of empty noises,
saying "Peace! Peace!  when there is no peace.
Only tickle my ears,
and tell me how much God loves me."
The last thing they want is maturity, 
so they forever remain like babies in a nursery,
sucking on the pastor's tit,
never growing  out of it.
Never gathering manna themseves,
they actually think all is well.
Ever learning yet never arriving at The Truth,
they honor God with their lips but their hearts remain aloof.
Laying down their lives,
in living sacrifice 
is too heavy a price.

Go back to sleep little ones,
close your ears and your eyes,
lest you awaken, and you come to realize-
You are Satan's most treasured prize,
for he knows the greatest pain and wound he can inflict on God
is to populate hell with the souls he's robbed.
Babylon's greatest commodity after all is the souls of men,
denying God forever the pleasure of them.

The lake of fire
is God's desire 
to cleanse all creation 
ftom the stain and the stench
of man's sins and abominations.

Though i have the keys to death, hell and the grave,
the churches are so full of people who do not wish to be saved.

I am a lonely voice
crying in the wilderness. 
So few care to listen to 
what i have to profess.

Though i lie here naked
and shed many tears,
Still - they do not want to hear.
They stone the Prophets today
just as surely as they've done throughout history.
They crucify Apostles too,
because their hearts are immunized to the Truth.
I wish i could say otherwise 
but the path to destruction indeed is wide
and narrow indeed is the path to life,
very few go on to become the Bride....
                                                                     .....of Christ. 

Very few will enter the Holy of Holies.
Very few go on to intimately know Me.
Though I've flung the Door wide open,
most choose to put their hope in
the religions men have devised,
that exalt the flesh and abase the wise.
They are those who are wise in their own eyes, 
yet I hear the remnant's cries!
I am theirs and they are Mine,
and I will deliver them from every lie.
They have not bowed the knee of their hearts to Baal.
They've refused to remain in religion's jail.
They pursue Me at any cost,
they'll pay any price,
including laying down their lives.
In service to My will, their will is sacrificed. 

Their reward is greater than they know -
It is the redemption and salvation of their souls -
           listen to My voice and My voice alone.
My Spirit will keep you blameless and lead you home,
where I will wipe every tear from your eyes
and deliver you from this world you despise.

Stay in the Ark, in the cleft of the Rock,
while outside the wicked curse you and mock.
Keep your hearts open and turned towards Me
and together we will fully achieve
all that I won for you at Calvary.

Though you've heard it said many times in many ways -

                                           I LOVE YOU

You - I will never leave or forsake,
you who refuse to partake
of the ways that desecrate 
the Temple that I make.
I hold in My hand each one of your days.

So take that next step.
And that next one too.
And do not forget
to forgive all who hate you
and I'll forgive all the sins that you do.

And you will find,
at the end of time,
every word I've ever spoken to you
is eternally faithful, just and true. 

Friday, March 19, 2021

Still The Dawn


Dear Soul,
                     ......who has known grief
                            and sorrow and unbelief...
                You've seen times where
                             there seemed to be no relief.
Yet still the dawn
eventually appeared,
and you saw the light
of His countenance draw near
and then it was
that all things
                              became clear

So don't give up
don't quit the faith,
walk the walk, run the race,
Choose to be still
and patiently wait...
He's promised He will
renew your strength. 

Dear Soul
                    So stressed, unrest within,
                    You are treasured, so precious to Him.
                    He has, without measure, forgiven your sins -

He has joyfully given you
his kingdom of love
where love reigns supreme.
So do not give up,
Do not cease to dream
of a promised land
free of pride, hate and fear,
where love rules inside  each man.
and all hearts are clear,
And sorrows have no place there
for every dear soul
               knows how tenderly He cares...

So wait

The dawn will arrive
He'll see you through 
He'll help you survive 
The long dark night...

The victory He won
through Calvary's crimson tide
Will bring you, dear one,
To forever dwell
far from Hell,
at His side.........

Monday, March 8, 2021

 Quit trying to sanitize people- that's My job.
 I accept them, warts and, and so should you.
 Let them know they're loved and accepted 
 before they're clean and pure.
 Let them know of My gentleness,
 as gentle as a mother is with her new-born baby.
 I will sanctify whom I have justified - saith The Lord.
 Religion can never cleanse a single soul -
 only give the appearance of cleanliness,
 from man's point of view.
 I, and I alone, change the heart.
 Let Me do My job and I'll let you do yours.
 Delight in change.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

    "And the Spirit and the bride say COME.
    And let him that heareth say COME.
    And let him that is athirst come.
    And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely."

His bride is made up of all who hear Him - but not only hear HIM but respond to Him by saying to Him "Come".
His bride is made up of all who thirst for Eternal life, not this life that is quickly passing.
His bride is made up of "whosoever will" -
whosoever will seek Him, desire Him, know Him, but above all,
His bride is comprised of all who are in perfect harmony with His Spirit-
Who say whatever He is saying, as He is saying it - "THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY"
The bride is filled with, in deep relationship with, The Spirit. 
She is anointed of him.
She is abiding in him and he in her.
She loves him.
She respects him.
She submits to him -
Those without him, are not His Bride.
The Spirit and the Bride are united in their love for Jesus. And when He hears them speaking together, as one, He will reply "Surely, I come quickly".
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

I believe the moment will come when all who are His will simultaneously say - "Come",
All who are His, all over the world, at the bidding of His Spirit, will pray as One - "COME"

and He will......

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...