Friday, March 19, 2021

Still The Dawn


Dear Soul,
                     ......who has known grief
                            and sorrow and unbelief...
                You've seen times where
                             there seemed to be no relief.
Yet still the dawn
eventually appeared,
and you saw the light
of His countenance draw near
and then it was
that all things
                              became clear

So don't give up
don't quit the faith,
walk the walk, run the race,
Choose to be still
and patiently wait...
He's promised He will
renew your strength. 

Dear Soul
                    So stressed, unrest within,
                    You are treasured, so precious to Him.
                    He has, without measure, forgiven your sins -

He has joyfully given you
his kingdom of love
where love reigns supreme.
So do not give up,
Do not cease to dream
of a promised land
free of pride, hate and fear,
where love rules inside  each man.
and all hearts are clear,
And sorrows have no place there
for every dear soul
               knows how tenderly He cares...

So wait

The dawn will arrive
He'll see you through 
He'll help you survive 
The long dark night...

The victory He won
through Calvary's crimson tide
Will bring you, dear one,
To forever dwell
far from Hell,
at His side.........

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...