Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Willy Wonka Prophecy (received March 25th, 2021)


The following is based on the original 1971 movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" -

MANY are about to find their "Golden Ticket" - their ticket into paradise - into the realm of wonders and delights, far from the ordinary into the extraordinary, from the natural to the supernatural - Far from the boredom and maddening monotony of Christianity as a religion into the paradise that is God's presence. In His presence alone is "Fulness of Joy" because in His presence alone the miraculous becomes a lifestyle - a daily reality. We go from just reading His book to becoming a chapter in it. 

WE all come from the supernatural realm, put into the natural realm for a moment, for a blink of an eye, but make no mistake - WE ARE ALL MIRACLES, each one of us was born of the miraculous, for a miracle is by definition something that can only occur with God's Divine intervention,  and each of us was formed by God in our mother's womb. This is why movies and TV shows are so popular,  with their amazing special effects, because deep inside all of us is a yearning to experience the supernatural,  wondrous realm from which we came, and to which we're all invited to return.

IN the movie, the boy finds the ticket as one born out of season. It seemed all hope was lost. It appeared all the tickets had been found: it was too late for him. But things are not always as they appear, which is why we walk by faith, not by sight. 
Unexpectedly,  one of the ticket holders was exposed as a fraud. Prophetically,  we see two insights from this - 
One is that for many in the Body today, they've given up hope of ever experiencing the kingdom of heaven the way the early church did in the book of Acts. Many despair of ever experiencing a single, bonafide miracle, personally. Many believe that others more worthy than they have their "Golden Ticket", but for whatever reason the miraculous is not for them (some of this kind of thinking can come from churches that actually teach from a position of unbelief, some have "little faith", some have no faith at all. Some teach the concept that the pastor and a few elders selected by him are professional Christians while the rest are amateurs). God is a God of "suddenlies". He can and will "suddenly" visit this generation and many will begin to experience the supernatural like never before.
SECONDLY, God is exposing frauds - those pretending to be members in good standing in the Body of Christ but are actually imposters, masquerading as saints. Indeed, fraud in all areas of government is being exposed, secular and spiritual. Sadly, many in America were aware of the Democrat candidates corruption, yet voted for them anyway,  because they themselves are corrupt. It's the same in churches with corrupt leadership. Wicked people love wicked leadership. 

THE boy in the movie represents this, the latest and perhaps final, generation.  His name is "Charlie" which means "Free Man". God is raising up young people with Joshua's anointing - destined to become free from their parent's obstinate unbelief and pride, free from Babylon,  from the religion's of men that resist the power of God. Though the spirit of religion is a "Strong Man" it is about to be robbed and spoiled of a multitude of souls. Many "Charlies" are about to find their "Golden Ticket" , the Holy Spirit, our true golden ticket to the wonderland otherwise known as Heaven. Heaven is wherever God is present. This is why Jesus said "The kingdom of Heaven (the kingdom of the miraculous, made possible by God's presence) is within you, because upon our invitation God lives within us. 

CHARLIE was poor, from a poor family. The poor hold a special place in God's heart. Jesus said the Gospel is for them - God delights in helping the needy, the poor and needy not the rich and greedy. God delights in feeding the hungry. He loves to clothe the naked. He wants to provide safe, warm shelter, full of love to those who lack it. He deeply cares for the "poor in spirit" too. They will be filled, in the coming revival. The suicidal will experience revival. 
THOSE who don't see themselves in their true condition, i.e. in desperate need of revival,  will not take part in the coming movement inspired by God's Spirit. They will make excuses.  "Then, the Master will say Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in the poor, and the maimed and the crippled and the blind". Invite the hungry and the thirsty, who realize they're in spiritual poor health, who have a deep longing for God's presence,  who miss their daddy, like the prodigal son did - these shall be filled.

PEOPLE submitted to the spirit of religion are satisfied, full, yet stagnant,  dry, fat and lazy, spiritually, which is what happens when we are content to sit around week after week, hraring the Word but never becoming the Word, never doing it. For them, God is a part of their life, not their life. They are happy that God laid His life down for them, but they will not lay their lives down for Him. They honor Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. They pledge their undying love to Him at the wedding altar but they never consummate the marriage.
NO, it's the poor, the passionate, the desperate who say to God "i need You, not just what You can give me or do for me" who are about to receive the desire of their hearts. They're about to find their "Golden Ticket" , the Holy Spirit, like the believers Paul met on the road in Acts 19. Indeed, an Apostle of God's first priority with any believers they meet is to make sure they are "filled with the Holy Spirit". Apostles by example are to teach the saints how to walk with, flow in and constantly submit to the Holy Spirit. The poor in spirit are about to become very rich! 

THE boy in the film chose his grandfather to accompany him to the Chocolate Factory (our promised land). Scripturally, the younger often lead the older. One of the hallmarks of this up and coming generation of young people wholeheartedly pursuing God is that they will honor and respect their elders. (not that they will accept the bondage and traditions of man their father's generation walk in. They will not be as their fathers "a stubborn and rebellious generation that set not their heart aright, and who's spirit was not steadfast with God." (Psalm 78) These youth will respect their elders as David did Saul and they will invite them to accompany them as they enter fully into and possess their "promised land". These young, faith filled warriors will " let no man despise their youth". Oh how many young people,  fully anointed and called by God, are told to sit in their pew silently by pastors who do not have the father's heart! 
The boy and his grandfather represent Joshua and Caleb entering into the Kingdom together,  as one, the older generation and the younger, fully believing God's word to them, whether written or spoken (there'll be none of this nonsense about God only communicating through His written word) but make no mistake, the younger generation will be in charge. 

CHARLIE found the golden ticket in the gutter, a sewage drain. Now hear me well - look in the gutters I say! Go to the sewers, to the "highways and byways" - find the freaks and the geeks, the misfits and the unfit, everyone on the fringe, unloved and unwanted, overlooked and underappreciated. The malcontents.   These are the ones God will populate  His magnificent kingdom with in the coming revival. The spiritual orphans and widows and the fatherless, will all find the love they lost, the love their hearts are aching for. There is so much "buried treasure"  lying hidden just beneath the surface, that is never discovered because the "surface" doesn't appear valuable in the eyes of men. Amazing, powerfully anointed men and women will be found among the transgenders and homosexuals and other sexual deviants. Among the pews of the world will be found exceptionally anointed saints heretofore unknown. Godly leadership will mine the gold in their spirits, not their wallets.

BY the way, in the movie, the Oompa Loompa's represent God's angels, speaking to those spoiled, sitting in pews, eating junk food sermons, that taste sweet but are really unhealthy.  They say 

"Oompa, Loompa, doompa di do
I've got a perfect puzzle for you.
Oompa, Loompa, doompa di di
If you are wise you'll listen to me.
What do you get when you guzzle down sweets?
Eating as much as an elephant eats?
What are you at getting terribly fat? 
What do you think will come    of    that?
Oompa, Loompa, doompa di dar,
If you're not greedy, you will go far!
You will live in God's presence too,
like the Oompa Loompa di's do!

IN the movie, Charlie is tempted by greed and indeed, these modern day "Charlies" will be tempted by at least one of the "three g's"- the gold, the glory or the girls. But like Charlie in the movie, after succumbing to temptation,  they will repent. Can you remember the look of delight on Willy Wonka's face when Charlie gave the stolen candy back? Willy Wonks represents our heavenly Father (yes, he's that cool)! He was so happy he'd found someone he could give his Chocolate Factory to. It is our Father's good pleasure to give us his kingdom, with all the pleasures and delights it contains! Oh how He longs for people He can trust, who will desire His kingdom over eathly, fleshly ones, who's hearts are set on heaven's wealth, not that which this world lusts after, that is soon passing away. The most High rewards the most low by exalting them to the highest positions. Those who walk in true humility will be given great power and authority simply because they believe. Remember how Jesus wasn't interested in glorifying Himself but rather His Father? We must have this same mind.

AND now, at the last, i leave you dear ones, with this - at the end of this remarkable film the elevator broke the "glass ceiling", bursting through to soar high in the heavens. A "glass ceiling" by definition is "an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession,  especially affecting women and minorities." Im telling you - i prophecy the glass ceiling set in place by the Pharisees of today disguised as pastors, or any leadership that loves the hierarchy that keeps them in leadership to the exclusion of all others, is soon shattered.  All who are overlooked for promotion by men will find themselves promoted by God. They will be gloriously free to fly in the heavens, in the realm of faith where God dwells, as Rev:19:17 declares. "Flying as birds" speaks to us of rising above our "earth", our flesh, with all it's lusts and desires, trying to pull us away from God's holiness into continual, repetitive sin. No! We're destined to be free like Charlie in the elevator, soaring high like Eagles, not remaining like chickens in a cage. We're breaking free of our Chrysalis to fly wherever the wind of God's Spirit blows us. "The wind blows wherever it pleases" it cannot be controlled by men. You hear it's sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it's going - so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.
 So, come, join me as I enter God's Kingdom of Delights. NO MORE RELIGION! IT'S been exactly 50 years since the movie came out. It's time for Jubilee! It's time for us all to be restored to our rightful inheritance.  


Who can take a sunrise, and sprinkle it with dew? 
Cover it with chocolate and a miracle or two? 
Who can take a rainbow, wrap it in a sigh?
Soak it in the sun and make a groovy lemon pie? 
Who can take tomorrow, dip it in a dream?
Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream?
The Candy man! The Candy man can!
The Candy man can cause He mixes it with
LOVE and makes the world taste good! 

Thank you Jesus for being our Candy man! 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...