Friday, June 18, 2021

 Those that serve the wicked one
will not quit till their agendas are done.
They will not cease,
they will not sleep,
till all our souls
are theirs to keep.
So be vigilant,  be sober,
for your enemy does not rest.
He goes about as a lion,
seeking whomever he can digest,
especially the righteous. 
Keep a watch over your soul -
do not let their words
or their ways gain control
of the life you now live in this world, 
Do not give to swine, or to dogs, your pearls.
Keep yourself unspotted from the wickedness 
that surrounds you by never letting it infiltrate your soul.
Think upon whatsoever is pure or lovely,
turn your eyes and heart away from evil so ugly.
Be addicted to Me, saith the Lord,
if full of cravings you must be,
then crave Me.
My words, My ways, My will,
that the lusts of this world will not your destiny kill.
Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride, 
will not destroy you inside 
Because you are mine....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...