Thursday, July 29, 2021

Let us lift up our hearts with our hands
unto God in the Heavens
For the Gold has become dim
The most fine gold has changed -
so that it cannot reflect Him.
The precious sons of Zion,
are now lowly esteemed.
In our watching we have watched
for a nation that could not save us -
The USA is ruled by men,
not the One who made us
For our father's have sinned and are not
and we have borne their iniquities.
Servants have ruled over us,
no one brings deliverance,
The joy of our hearts is ceased,
yet we are blind to our sinful condition 
We have shed all inhibitions -
We speak openly
of things that should not be
and the Prophet and the Priest deal falsely.
The fruit of their thoughts is rotten indeed.
The harvest is passed, the summer is ended,
and we are not saved, we are not mended.
Their habitation is in the midst of deceit,
through deceit they refuse to know Me,
they have walked after the imagination of their own heart,
rather than walk in My integrity.
Consider ye and call for the mourning women -
let them make haste and take up a wailing for thee -
that, at the last,
                                    You shall truly seek after Me
                                    Not the religious trappings
                                    that use My word and My name
                                    but do not honor Me

And when you seek Me
you shall find Me
When you search for Me with all your heart
For I am with thee to save thee
though I make a full end of all nations 
I will not make a full end of thee,
but I will correct thee in measure
and not leave thee unpunished 
because My punishment and correction 
will lead your heart to My perfection. 
I will restore health unto thee
because they called you an outcast
saying "this is Zion whom no man seeks after"
Well beloved, I seek those who seek Me,

Who is this who engages his heart
                                                       to approach unto Me?
I have loved you with an everlasting love,
with lovingkindness have I drawn thee,
so say now -
                          "Let us arise and go up to Zion,
                            unto the Lord our God
                           And say  O lord, save Thy people!"

And your soul shall be as a well-watered garden,
and you shall sorrow no more at all. 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Part two of my last post

 As citizens of that "holy city, New Jerusalem,  coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband", our passports are stamped with the blood shed at Calvary. Our visa's are inked with the blood of the Lamb, and all are sins are written in the book with invisible ink - for they've disappeared from the record of our lives. Jesus did not grant us citizenship in his eternal kingdom so that we might establish a religion built around him, no, he came to give us life - Ressurection life powerful enough to raise us all from the dead to be counted among the living. He does not want a religion built around his name, he wants to be the cornerstone, upon which all that we are and ever shall be is built, for he is a strong and sure foundation - our "rock of salvation, our rock of refuge, for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me: he shall set me up upon a rock and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock". He is the rock upon which our lives are focused - his strength is what we trust in and lean upon to see us through. No matter where we walk; whether it be land or water, his words will bear us up and keep us safe.

He did not come to establish an earthly kingdom or nation, (sorry kingdom now apologeticists), no, the only natural kingdom or nation he has ever personally established is Israel - All others are not his concern except for how they treat Israel, the apple of his eye.  Neither should any nation but Israel be our concern. He is concerned with the souls found in all nations, not the geopolitical boundaries men establish. He does not recognize man's authority- manmade boundaries,  natural or spiritual.  He does not give heed to the religions men hold dear, no, his agenda is very different. He is seeking souls to populate his holy city, to be his holy people, to be a part of his kingdom forever.  Consequently,  we are " the called according to his purpose, called out of darkness to glory. We are that which was not but now are., partakers of the heavenly calling and we are the general assembly and church of the first born, which are written in heaven" and we are "come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,  and to an innumerable company of angels". 

We are not caucasian,  asian, black or latino, we are not Americans, Europeans, Africans or Asians, etc. We are not even male or female. We are, in Christ, a new creature, no longer of this world - "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." Though we are in the world we are not of it. We are of "the world to come, whereof i speak. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come". 

Together, we make up his bride, wherein are members hand picked from every earthly family and nation and tribe and tongue. Just as male and female, and hence all nations, were in Adam before God took his rib and made Eve, so are all nations,  male and female made one again in the second Adam - Yeshua. Indeed, Father opened a wound in his side so he could put back the rib he originally took from Adam, we truly are all made "one in Christ". We are now in a higher state of being, freed from all fleshly boundaries and hinderances, invited to soar with him in Spirit to ever new heights, causing our souls to delight in him, to rejoice in him and again i say, rejoice! 

So set your eyes, the eyes of your understanding, upon Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith - keep your eyes on him, "for he who began a good work in you,  will be faithful to complete it". Your faith is in him alone, not Jesus plus your pastor or any other man. Stop looking to man, to flesh. Stop looking at the world through carnal glasses. Do not see the nations the way those in the world do - for there are only two nations on earth today - there are only two distinct peoples  - the offspring of Seth and the offspring of Cain. Put another way - there are only the citizens of the New Jerusalem and the citizens of Babylon. This is reality seen through the eyes of the Holy Spirit. No Jew or Greek, male or female, Asian or African or Caucasian, only those who are Christ's and those who are not. Not all those who name the name of Christ are his but those who keep his commandments.  Those who do not love and obey HIM are "dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters and WHOSOEVER LIVETH AND MAKETH A LIE".

Does your passport read "Citizen of the United Souls of New Jerusalem" or does it read "Citizen of Babylon" - the great whore that sitteth upon many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication? Whose bride are you? Jesus or Satan's? Stop praying for America or any other nation of flesh, and start praying for the New Jerusalem- pray that she will become densely populated,  full of souls, to God's great delight. Pray that Babylon will fall in our day, that even as Jericho fell, the wall of carnality and hate and fear that keeps people in Babylon will fall too. Pray for a great transference of souls from Babylon to the New Jerusalem,  even as millions are seeking asylum in America - may millions too seek asylum in the new Jerusalem in the coming days and years. All souls on earth either have the mark of the beast or the Holy Spirit of promise.

By praying for the New Jerusalem,  you are actually doing a great service for whatever earthly nation you find yourself in, for the more souls that leave the religion religion they created called Christianity and enter into the risen, living Christ, the better off the USA or any other nation will be because quite frankly, Christianity as a religion has been around for 2000 years and it just isn't working. The Puritans meant well I'm sure, but as a religion,  Christianity in America has been around for 240 years and it's not working. America is committing atrocities before God at levels never seen before. America has a "Form of godliness" but thats about it. It's all smoke and mirrors. America does good, according to the world's standards of good, but she falls far short of God's standard. The war for the soul of America has been on the losing side for far too long. Let's turn the tide, let's be the victorious, warrior bride that wields his authority and power - not man's.  Let's speakbhis name to advance his kingdom.  May men tremble and fear his name and not dare to mock it or use it as a curse. May his power and authority be known once again in us as it was in him. And above all other 0rayers, msy the wisdom to win souls  be imparted to all who call upon his name, winning them to that heavenly citizenship,  not any earthly gathering or denomination where man is in charge. Let us revel in relationship with him and one another, world without end, amen.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

 The United States is perhaps mankind's greatest testimony to it's own insipience and wickedness.  The USA is perhaps God's greatest witness of mankind's propensity to commit evil, for what other nation in human history has enjoyed the freedoms and prosperity that America has? If anyone was to ever stand before God and blame their sin on their circumstances,  if they would point an accusing finger at God and declare "if only i could live like royalty, with my own home and land and plenty of food for my belly, i would spend my days in worship and praise, seeking to please you, oh my God, my provider", then God can point to America and say "See what happens when i pour my grace upon a land and people, giving them more blessings than any nation before them?  They have great freedom to do whatever they want  with their lives - so what have they done with it?"  Their worship of God, their use of his name and title, is a pretense - a religion they call "Christianity" that is full of pretenders, who appear at first glance to be following Christ but are instead following men. 

Look closely at America's fruit,  after two hundred and forty plus years of Christianity- almost every other commercial on TV is for a drug or medicine of some kind. The pill industry is America's highest grossing business,  raking in billions each year - this says loudly, it shouts in God's face, we do not believe, need or accept the healing You died to give us, for we can heal ourselves. Which country has aborted more of it's babies than all other nations combined throughout human history, except perhaps China? Which country leads the world in the fight to normalize  and accept the right to practice the wickedness known as homosexuality? Which country has become more and more wicked and perverse, year after year, at least when Democrats are in power?

Yes - because there are yet remaining a few upright, godly men and women in America, like Sodom and Gomorrah,  when God promised to spare both cities if he could find just ten righteous living in them, perhaps God will spare America,  but sadly, if he does, what will she continue to do with her freedoms and Divine blessings? The U.S. will continue to attend it's religious churches, following the false religion  called "Christianity", turning the hearts of people away from God, not to Him. Religious Christianity,  indeed, all the religions of man, Islam, Buddha, Hinduism, on and on, are eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Look at most of America's movies and T.V. shows, morality plays all. They are almost always some kind of variation on a theme - good vs. evil, with good almost always triumphing in the end. We love to depict ourselves as inherently good. We like to see man, in his own strength and wisdom,  defeat evil. Yet Jesus profoundly declared to the religious "Christians" of his day "No man is good", indeed, this is the first foundation stone,  the first step on our path toward God - declaring to him and our own hearts "I am not good, i am evil", but those eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil believe they know what is good and what is evil, according to their own understanding.  These people start denominations based on their limited understanding of Scripture,  rather than discerning by revelation from the Holy Spirit. 

So in the end, we see America is only following the example the Churches have set. Every medical and scientific advance we make reinforces the belief that they don't need God, not really ( except perhaps to get them to heaven), because they are gods unto themselves.  God created light? We can too! God heals sickness and disease? We can too! We can fly! Whatever God can do, we can replicate, and do it better, is their heart's cry.

So we see, unfortunately,  that the same thing that has made America great will also destroy America.  In America,  Satan is welcomed and celebrated alongside Jesus and indeed, he is received as Jesus in many churches. He is the author and finisher of ALL religions and all religions,  including Satanism, are welcome in America. In the U.S. we take our liberty to mean we have the right to sin in any way we please. Our "Freedoms" end up enslaving us, while what we think of as slavery will set us free. What many call good in  their own eyes is actually evil in God's eyes and what many think is evil is actually good, according to God.

Mark my words and remember them - Satan takes his citizenship in America very seriously and uses his freedom to roam about doing us much harm. Not just physical but far worse, spiritually. The only country on earth that will refuse Satan citizenship is Zion, and it's capitol is the New Jerusalem.  It is the world's only theocracy.  Long for, ache for, hunger and thirst for, the day when the New Jerusalem appears in the sky, transitioning from the third heaven to the first, from the realm of the spirit to the natural realm and Jesus himself will rule from Mt. Zion, his seat of authority on earth.

Stop putting so much faith and focus on the USA, or any other natural kingdom or country. Join instead with those who CONFESSED THAT THEY WERE STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS ON THE EARTH, FOR THEY THAT SAY SUCH THINGS DECLARE PLAINLY THAT THEY SEEK A COUNTRY. AND TRULY, IF THEY HAD BEEN MINDFUL OF THAT COUNTRY FROM WHENCE THEY CAME OUT, THEY MIGHT HAVE HAD OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE RETURNED. Whatever you were born as, you're born again as something else entirely.  Do not look at the flesh, the country or people you came from, rather keep your focus on your heavenly citizenship. Don't put your faith in America - The "American Dream" will, in the end, be a nightmare if you keep pursuing it, rather, dream of a nation and a people who welcome and wholeheartedly worship the one, true, living God. Who worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit alone, and want nothing to do with flesh apart from Him. For now THEY DESIRE A BETTER COUNTRY, THAT IS, AN HEAVENLY: WHEREFORE GOD IS NOT ASHAMED TO BE CALLED THEIR GOD: FOR HE HAS PREPARED FOR THEM A CITY. Let us not be a people God is ashamed to call his own. Let us not be lukewarm, more passionate for worldly riches and goods than we are for heavenly  wealth. Truly, he is the only treasure worth seeking, worth setting our hearts on to pursue.

Part two sooon...comment below, let me know what you think of this teaching....

Sunday, July 11, 2021

 Kings hate to lose their kingdoms. Kings almost never voluntarily give up their crowns, which makes Jesus, the only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords even more remarkable,  for he is history's only king to voluntarily lay aside his crown , and give up his royal station, and his riches, to become a commoner, but not only that, he didn't stop there, he transferred his wealth, kingship and authority to his subjects, to us, common men, making us uncommon, making us "a chosen generation,  a royal priesthood,  a holy nation, a peculiar people,  for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that you through his poverty might be rich." 

So we, being earthly, are now able to take on his heavenly mantle, with it's heavenly riches, because he being heavenly,  took on our earthly mantle, that is to say, our flesh, in all it's poverty. God, being a Spirit, took on the form of our flesh that we being fleshly might put on his Spirit. And if we have indeed become kings and priests we are heavenly kings, not earthly, spiritual rulers not soulish or carnal. This means we're destined to rule and reign with him forever because his kingdom,  the kingdom he gave us, has no end, whereas all other kingdoms,  principalities,  powers and every name that is named, will cease. 

Yet pastors and denominational leaders of every stripe and background are seeking to build and rule their own "fiefdoms" here on earth. Some apostles and prophets do this too. They seek to rule flesh with flesh. They seek worldly wealth and use worldly models for leading because their kingdoms are worldly, not heavenly at all. All denominations are man-made kingdoms and are destined to fall. All are founded on a man - all are built on one man's revelations,  teachings and personality and the people love to have it so. For when their leadership is walking in the flesh and not the Spirit,  it makes them comfortable being in the flesh and not the Spirit. They feel vindicated,  justified.  They love to submit to pastors who are just like them. Those who are carnally minded abhor those who are spiritually minded. They seek instead those who are fleshly and carnal just like them., then pride themselves on how submitted to their pastors they are, yet never submitting to God. 

If we care to, if we desire to emulate Jesus - The King above all kings, we must, like him, give our crowns to others to wear. We must lay aside our own fleshly ambitions and agendas to take on his agenda. We must become poor that others might become rich, by giving our spiritual wealth to them. We must lower ourselves to exalt others, not exalt ourselves to lower others. We must serve others, not rule over them. "Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth." We must each esteem others better than ourselves.  We must look not every man on his own things, but every man on the things of others.
Yet pastors and leaders in today's churchianity never, ever, want to give up position,  title or power. They may be convinced God put them in the position they're in, but they never go about it the way God intends. They never lead until the people are so mature they don't  need a leader anymore,  they never step down and relinquish the role they play in people's lives, acknowledging they are no longer needed, as much. The role of a parent constantly changes throughout the lives of their children. A parent doesn't have the same role with a ten year old that they have with a baby. They don't parent a teenager the same way they parent a ten year old. If a parent does their job well, the day arrives when they no longer need to provide a home, or food or clothing for the child. They may still want us to, but hopefully don't need us to. 

The door of every church should be a revolving one, with babies going in and mature saints going out. Too many pastors won't or can't produce mature saints. Some want their churches to be nurseries full of spiritual babies. This keeps the people dependant on them and helps them justify the farce they're putting the people through, "ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." Besides,  babies are much easier to manipulate and control. The younger the child, the more readily they'll believe whatever their parent tells them. Sure Santa is real! Of course apostles and prophets don't exist today! Tongues is of the devil! Yes it's easy to teach immature saints false doctrines, and man's ways and not God's because they don't know any better, they really don't.  

I nurtured a very intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit from almost the first week i was alive, spiritually.  Often, even as the pastor was teaching me in one ear, the Holy Spirit would whisper the truth to me in the other. Yet i still received as truth false doctrines i later had to repent of. The glorious truth is you need not that any man teach you; for the Holy Spirit himself will gladly become your personal teacher. When you are seeking him to be your teacher, he will lead you to men and women like myself that he is able to use to impart wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  So when you do receive revelation filtered through someone else's flesh, it should be flesh submitted  to him just as you are. And eventually,  you too will be used by the Holy Spirit to teach others - not to make them dependant on you as their source for wisdom and spiritual knowledge  but to teach them to become familiar with God's voice, and to hear from him directly like you do. 
The end game is always to guide them away from you and to God. You must decrease so they can increase. If a plant tries to grow too close to the main tree, it's growth will be stunted and it will remain in an immature state, never bearing fruit on it's own. Leadership should be signs in people's lives, pointing them in the right direction.  Don't lead people to a dead end or a stagnant pool, where the river isn't flowing. Lead them to the deepest part of the River. Invite them to join you there. Don't remain an ankle deep fellowship or even knee deep. Don't remain waist deep or compare yourself to ankle deep ministries and become prideful. Be a church fully submerged and submitted to the Holy Spirit's flowing, so much so that no man can be in control, for no flesh can glory in his presence (which is why churches that exalt flesh avoid his presence). In the deepest part of the river, no flesh can be seen anymore, for it's all in him. When I'm in his presence this way, as his deep calls out to my depths, and we become one there, our identities intertwined,  i don't want to surface again  - just leave me there forever, never to be seen again.  My flesh, who i was, what names i used to be called, keep me buried in him. Selah.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

 What does it mean to "desire truth in the inward parts"? And in the "hidden part You shall make me to know wisdom"? Is it possible to know truth in our mind, but not in our heart? What is the "hidden part" he speaks of? 

Can we acknowledge  truth before men but not accept it in our hearts? Can we be living a lie, though the truth is in our mouth? 

                                              O LORD, OPEN THOU MY LIPS;
                                              THE SACRIFICES OF GOD
                                              are A broken spirit:
                                              a broken and contrite heart,
                                              O God, You will not despise 

This then, is the only response to the realization of how truly wicked and deceitful our own heart is - 

                                           Create in me a clean heart, O God;
                                          and renew a right spirit within me.
                                          Cast me not away (on the Judgment Day)
                                          from Thy presence; and take not 
                                          Thy Holy Spirit from me.
                                          Restore to me the joy of Thy Salvation 
                                          and uphold me with Thy free spirit

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...