Tuesday, July 20, 2021

 The United States is perhaps mankind's greatest testimony to it's own insipience and wickedness.  The USA is perhaps God's greatest witness of mankind's propensity to commit evil, for what other nation in human history has enjoyed the freedoms and prosperity that America has? If anyone was to ever stand before God and blame their sin on their circumstances,  if they would point an accusing finger at God and declare "if only i could live like royalty, with my own home and land and plenty of food for my belly, i would spend my days in worship and praise, seeking to please you, oh my God, my provider", then God can point to America and say "See what happens when i pour my grace upon a land and people, giving them more blessings than any nation before them?  They have great freedom to do whatever they want  with their lives - so what have they done with it?"  Their worship of God, their use of his name and title, is a pretense - a religion they call "Christianity" that is full of pretenders, who appear at first glance to be following Christ but are instead following men. 

Look closely at America's fruit,  after two hundred and forty plus years of Christianity- almost every other commercial on TV is for a drug or medicine of some kind. The pill industry is America's highest grossing business,  raking in billions each year - this says loudly, it shouts in God's face, we do not believe, need or accept the healing You died to give us, for we can heal ourselves. Which country has aborted more of it's babies than all other nations combined throughout human history, except perhaps China? Which country leads the world in the fight to normalize  and accept the right to practice the wickedness known as homosexuality? Which country has become more and more wicked and perverse, year after year, at least when Democrats are in power?

Yes - because there are yet remaining a few upright, godly men and women in America, like Sodom and Gomorrah,  when God promised to spare both cities if he could find just ten righteous living in them, perhaps God will spare America,  but sadly, if he does, what will she continue to do with her freedoms and Divine blessings? The U.S. will continue to attend it's religious churches, following the false religion  called "Christianity", turning the hearts of people away from God, not to Him. Religious Christianity,  indeed, all the religions of man, Islam, Buddha, Hinduism, on and on, are eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Look at most of America's movies and T.V. shows, morality plays all. They are almost always some kind of variation on a theme - good vs. evil, with good almost always triumphing in the end. We love to depict ourselves as inherently good. We like to see man, in his own strength and wisdom,  defeat evil. Yet Jesus profoundly declared to the religious "Christians" of his day "No man is good", indeed, this is the first foundation stone,  the first step on our path toward God - declaring to him and our own hearts "I am not good, i am evil", but those eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil believe they know what is good and what is evil, according to their own understanding.  These people start denominations based on their limited understanding of Scripture,  rather than discerning by revelation from the Holy Spirit. 

So in the end, we see America is only following the example the Churches have set. Every medical and scientific advance we make reinforces the belief that they don't need God, not really ( except perhaps to get them to heaven), because they are gods unto themselves.  God created light? We can too! God heals sickness and disease? We can too! We can fly! Whatever God can do, we can replicate, and do it better, is their heart's cry.

So we see, unfortunately,  that the same thing that has made America great will also destroy America.  In America,  Satan is welcomed and celebrated alongside Jesus and indeed, he is received as Jesus in many churches. He is the author and finisher of ALL religions and all religions,  including Satanism, are welcome in America. In the U.S. we take our liberty to mean we have the right to sin in any way we please. Our "Freedoms" end up enslaving us, while what we think of as slavery will set us free. What many call good in  their own eyes is actually evil in God's eyes and what many think is evil is actually good, according to God.

Mark my words and remember them - Satan takes his citizenship in America very seriously and uses his freedom to roam about doing us much harm. Not just physical but far worse, spiritually. The only country on earth that will refuse Satan citizenship is Zion, and it's capitol is the New Jerusalem.  It is the world's only theocracy.  Long for, ache for, hunger and thirst for, the day when the New Jerusalem appears in the sky, transitioning from the third heaven to the first, from the realm of the spirit to the natural realm and Jesus himself will rule from Mt. Zion, his seat of authority on earth.

Stop putting so much faith and focus on the USA, or any other natural kingdom or country. Join instead with those who CONFESSED THAT THEY WERE STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS ON THE EARTH, FOR THEY THAT SAY SUCH THINGS DECLARE PLAINLY THAT THEY SEEK A COUNTRY. AND TRULY, IF THEY HAD BEEN MINDFUL OF THAT COUNTRY FROM WHENCE THEY CAME OUT, THEY MIGHT HAVE HAD OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE RETURNED. Whatever you were born as, you're born again as something else entirely.  Do not look at the flesh, the country or people you came from, rather keep your focus on your heavenly citizenship. Don't put your faith in America - The "American Dream" will, in the end, be a nightmare if you keep pursuing it, rather, dream of a nation and a people who welcome and wholeheartedly worship the one, true, living God. Who worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit alone, and want nothing to do with flesh apart from Him. For now THEY DESIRE A BETTER COUNTRY, THAT IS, AN HEAVENLY: WHEREFORE GOD IS NOT ASHAMED TO BE CALLED THEIR GOD: FOR HE HAS PREPARED FOR THEM A CITY. Let us not be a people God is ashamed to call his own. Let us not be lukewarm, more passionate for worldly riches and goods than we are for heavenly  wealth. Truly, he is the only treasure worth seeking, worth setting our hearts on to pursue.

Part two sooon...comment below, let me know what you think of this teaching....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...