Tuesday, August 17, 2021

 If you give people the ability to offend you - you give them power over you, consequently, you do not have to learn how to "deal with offenses", rather, you must learn to deal with your own heart. The issue is your heart, not the heart of the one offending you. You can receive wisdom and understanding about the one who is hurting you, without taking offense. The greatest example of this is Jesus on the Cross - " Father forgive them for they know not what they do" - people truly do not understand that when they purposely wound another, with words or deeds (spiritual or physical,  the soul is affected by both), they are actually hurting themselves - because hate and envy and jealousy, etc., all shut us out of the Lord's presence and He is our only hope and source of eternal life. We reap every wound we sow back to ourselves,  in hell. 

It's the same with love, forgiveness,  meekness, gentleness, etc. - we reap these in eternity too. God sees every inflicted wound "Vengeance is Mine, saith The Lord". When we do not respond to our abusers with the same spirit (or heart) but respond instead with God's heart (or Spirit), their transgression remains with them alone, instead of spreading to us, like a communicable disease that can go on to infect so many - if we choose to pass them on. Some pass them on to their children for generations - just ask the Irish, for example.  

If we choose to forgive (not blindly, but with the eyes of our understanding wide open, then we douse that hell fire with cool, soothing, life saving water - which prevents it from hurting us further, from deepening a shallow wound and from wounding others with it, like a drowning man will sometimes take his rescuer down with him. If we repeat again and again to others what someone did to us, our gossip is actually spreading the disease of offense - and picking at a wound, refusing to allow it to heal. 

However,  we do walk in wisdom - so if someone is a habitual abuser, continually wounding us purposefully,  we, if The Lord releases us, must leave them. We do not continue to submit to abuse, if we have the wherewithal to escape it, but if we must continue to submit to verbal abuse or emotional,  we must do so as our Christ did  - forgiving them, interceding to the Father on their behalf, realizing they are hurting themselves far worse than they are hurting us. Realize too, your Christ-like response, full of love for them (presently your enemy, future friend hopefully) may very well be the only true witness of Christ they'll ever see. Indeed, for this very reason, God will allow you at times, to go through the trial of being cast into the pit of despair, so those whose hearts are bound by hell may later be saved by love.

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