Monday, September 27, 2021

Hesitation Station


Are you unable to climb aboard
 when the glory comes from the Lord's 
 Reservations cause hesitation. 
 So the glory train moves on
 and all you've done 
 is watch it go.
 You just can't flow.
 Lack of faith or fear,
 whatever the reason, you're still here.
 His provision,  His Glory, His very presence 
is in the cloud and pillar of fire you missed,
 because you just won't fully trust Him still -
 The One who sent His Spirit to fill
 your body and your soul
 with His mighty river's flow....

Fruit of hesitation -
 You're a fruitless habitation. 
 WITHOUT life in the Spirit,
 you live your life in the flesh,
 therefore man is the answer to every test.
 The supernatural becomes just an empty word
 that has no meaning, that sounds absurd.
 You sing about how mighty is the God you serve
 but you've never seen Him moving,
 He's just a name on a page or in a hymn
 for His miraculous presence is something you won't enter in
 Too it's a pity, you don't live in that heavenly city,
 "These signs shall follow them that believe"
 yet not a single one have you ever seen -
 Hesitation Station - Eternal aggravation, 
 You had your chances so many times,
 you chose instead to run and hide......

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Freedom's Folly


The greatest con Satan has foisted on an unsuspecting mankind, 
is the idea we are free to do our own will as we live out our lives.
The idea of "free will" is rooted in pride,
for the idea that we are gods unto ourselves is a terrible lie.
Of a truth, we are not free in this flesh - no, we are all slaves,
either to be righteous or to be depraved.
We either follow Christ and Him we obey
or we follow the leading of the Anti-Christ, who blinds our hearts and leads us astray.
We have no choice throughout our days -
we've been predestined to be damned or to be saved.
So the question really is - to whom are you enslaved?
To sin? Or the conqueror of sin?
Do you serve your flesh or the Holy Spirit within?
Your only "choice" as a slave, is obedience to one or the other.
The same temptations face every sister and brother,
so do not believe the lie that you're free,
totally submit to the Master of your flesh willingly,
to be a servant in His house forevermore-
Nail your ear to Heaven's door,
listen to and obey His voice alone,
that you may dwell forever in His home....

Friday, September 17, 2021

 The most satisfying thing in life
is when a wrong has been made right
When restoration and restitution has been made -
the satisfaction cannot be cotained
Yet there is no greater goal,
than the restoration of our soul,
For when that which is wrongvin God's sight
becomes worthy of dwelling in His light -
What was filthy becomes as pure as new-fallen snow,
We've come home to the loving Creator of our souls
Who has desired us long before His love we've come to know,
we are where we've always longed inside to be,
in the loving arms, seeing the smiling face of the God of eternity. 

RESTITUTION: Restoration to the former or original state or position. 
                            The restoration of property or rights previously taken away, conveyed, or                             surrendered.
                           Reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for loss,              
                           damage, or injury caused; indemnification. 

Reparation: The making of amends for wrong or injury done. Restoration to good condition,  repair.

Indemnify: To compensate for damage or loss sustained, expense incurred, etc.
To guard or secure against anticipated loss, give security against (future damage of liability). Indemnification: something that serves to indemnify.

Liabilities: money's owed, debts or pecuniary obligations- liableness - the state or quality of being liable - legally responsible. 

Restoration: the act of restoring, renewal, revival, or reestablishment.
The state or fact of being restored. A return of something to a former, original,  normal, or unimpaired condition.  Restitution of something taken away or lost, something that is restored,  as by renovating. Putting back into a former position,  dignity, etc.

For some reading this, you're about to go through an exodus scenario...where Satan will be commanded to restore to you 7 times what he ready to receive the blessings as God commands your former captorsvto turn around and bless you. The Israelites actually received the wages they were owed as they fled it shall be for us....

Friday, September 10, 2021

 I recently saw an article about a pastor of a very large, quite famous church (no, not Joel Osteen). The pastor's name is Carl Lentz. The church is Hillsong in N.Y.C. The article states that he appeared as a guest on a really ungodly and perverse TV show, The View. This show consistently mocks anyone at all who is godly or righteous in any way.
So, the pastor is being interviewed and he is asked directly "is abortion a sin?" Now, it's one thing to speak to your congregation,  quite another to have the opportunity to impact millions of unbelievers through this tv show. His answer? "God is the judge" - he refused, absolutely refused to call it a sin.

Would you rather shock someone now with the truth or let them wait to be shocked later when they face the living embodiment of Truth -  Jesus himself, as He sentences them to hell? Churches like Hillsong like to say "we love you as you are", "God loves you", "you are accepted in the beloved" but we are only "accepted in the beloved" if the beloved is accepted in us. Only if sin is overcome in us by righteousness. Jesus said he came into the world (the first time) that "the world through him might be saved" but he also said the dead shall arise "and shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the ressurection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the ressurection of damnation". He alao declared "he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness,  but is in danger of eternal damnation". 

When the Gospel excludes hell and damnation,  when it does not call sin - "sin", it becomes a false gospel. Some (Rob Bell) even teach there is no literal hell. How they twist so many scriptures to teach this false doctrine i don't even want to know. "THERE IS THEREFORE NOW NO CONDEMNATION TO THEM WHICH ARE IN CHRIST JESUS,  WHO WALK NOT AFTER THE FLESH, BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT", "ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD" more than their own flesh. If we love Him, we will keep His commandments.  Chief among them is "Go and sin no more". There is no condemnation for those who love God so much they stop walking after the flesh, with it's many diverse lusts therein. They love God. They love holiness. They love Truth (in the inward parts, in their hearts, not just their ears). They love righteousness.  They hate sin. They hate abortuon. They hate homosexuality.  They do not say "live according to your own convictions" - they say "live according to the will of God". They hate what sin does to people. They preach God's love in the proper context - a love that took our sin and its fruit upon himself so we may be free from it, not continue in it, as we come to church  week after week, year after year, ever learning but never letting the Truth into our hearts, because our pastor says we're loved and accepted just as we are.

The Cross is messy. It's offensive to our flesh. It's offensive to abortionists and homosexuals and adulterers, murderers, liars and thieves. The Hillsong pastor knows this. So he avoids offending the hosts and viewers of the View. The  Cross declares us to be horrible, naked, wounded, filthy and bloody - it is the truest picture of ourselves,  apart from God, we will ever see. It says, loud and clear, we are all worthy of a horrifying,  unending death, for if we refuse Christ, if we refuse to turn from our personal  sin and wickedness,  if we choose to acknowledge the Cross intellectually  but not let our sin filled man be nailed to it with Christ - then the bloody, wounded, filthy mess Christ became will be our state of being for eternity. No wonder there is eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth! 
Imagine the pain of the Cross but without death as an escape.  Ah, but in church after church,  the decision becomes, let's avoid it, let's not talk about it, especially on a secular TV show like the View, or Oprah Winfrey, witn an audience of millions (if you're ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous generation,  of you also shall the Son of Man be ashamed,  when he cometh in the glory of his Father; with the holy angels). The Hillsong pastor did not quote a single scripture - instead he told them, basically,  who am i to judge what is or isn't a sin? God is the judge, not me. True. And he has listed in great detail in His Word what He considers sin to be. Abortion  and homosexuality  are on that list (this same pastor, a few years back, when homosexual marriages became legal across the "Christian" USA, refused to condemn it). This pastor chose to find common ground between himself and the demon-infested hosts of "The View". He chose to mix the holy and the profane. "And what concord (agreement) has Christ with Belial? Or what part he that believes with an i fidel? Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate,  saith The Lord,  AND TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING; and I will receive you". 

These pastors teach he will receive us while touching the unclean thing, without coming out and becoming seperate. Millions of homosexuals will dieand go to hell as a result of this gospel. In defense of this pastor - some said it is the Love of God that leads men to repentance but the scriptures also say "godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation" and "others save with fear; pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh." 
The love of God they speak of holds no meaning without the knowledge of the horrible fate His love has rescued us ftom. They talk of His love as if it's blind to the Cross - to the suffering and eternal torment sin causes. They ignore the Cross, with it's blood and gore and shame and mortal wounds - it's too uncomfortable and God is a God of comfort,  isn't He? 

The enemy wants to whitewash the Cross, he wants to take all the blood and gore off it, and overlay it with gold or silver and hang it around our necks. He wants to make it a thing of beauty, to be admired, not despised - yes, i said despised. I hate what Jesus had to go through to save me. I hate the shame and pain I caused him - i despise my own sinful condition,  exposed on the Cross in my naked, bleeding Savior. I despise, i abhor, myself. Satan wants the world to see the Cross as nothing more than a religious symbol, on a t-shirt or church steeple. He wants to minimize it, get people to become familiar with it without the Blood - our blood, upon it. He wants the lost to see a powerl6Christ - by having them hear and meet powerless Christians, especially pastors, who claim to be God's representatives on earth. If Satan can convince pastors to avoid letting the Holy Spirit bring the conviction of our sinful condition,  then he's won. He has no problem with preaching and teaching about the love of God, if it does not lead to real repentance. 

Come just as you are, but do not remain just as you are. Come just as you are, yes, but not to Church, nay, come to The Cross of Calvary upon which our sweetest of saviors suffered and died, that we might live. Come to Jesus, first on the Cross, then at the right hand of the Father, risen forevermore in eternal glory and power. Come to Him yes, come - but do not avoid Him on the Cross, that your new man may come to Him daily on the throne. The new man has no access to the ressurected Christ if the old man is not crucified daily in the crucified Christ. "NOW UNTO HIM THAT IS ABLE TO KEEP YOU FROM FALLING, AND TO PRESENT YOU FAULTLESS BEFORE THE PRESENCE OF HIS GLORY WITH EXCEEDING JOY, TO THE ONLY WISE GOD OUR SAVIOR, BE GLORY AND MAJESTY, DOMINION AND POWER, BOTH NOW AND FOREVER. AMEN".

Sunday, September 5, 2021

 As anyone who knows the Lord can tell you, the world and God's Kingdom are complete and total opposites.  Take weddings and funerals for example.  In the world, when people marry, there is great rejoicing,  while at funerals there is sadness and mourning. For the Saints of God , however,  wedding and funeral ceremonies are switched. When we marry - we celebrate death, the death of self, for marriage is the final nail in self's coffin - we can no longer live for ourselves after we marry but we sacrafice self in service to our spouse and children. And at our funerals, we celebrate marriage  - our marriage to The Lamb, which we may fully enter into when we die. When our self dies, then when our bodies die, our self lives on forever, but if we never die to self, then when our bodies die, our souls die too. So, funerals for us Saints are really wedding feasts, to practice for the one to come, while weddings are really funerals (albeit joyous ones).

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...