Friday, September 17, 2021

 The most satisfying thing in life
is when a wrong has been made right
When restoration and restitution has been made -
the satisfaction cannot be cotained
Yet there is no greater goal,
than the restoration of our soul,
For when that which is wrongvin God's sight
becomes worthy of dwelling in His light -
What was filthy becomes as pure as new-fallen snow,
We've come home to the loving Creator of our souls
Who has desired us long before His love we've come to know,
we are where we've always longed inside to be,
in the loving arms, seeing the smiling face of the God of eternity. 

RESTITUTION: Restoration to the former or original state or position. 
                            The restoration of property or rights previously taken away, conveyed, or                             surrendered.
                           Reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for loss,              
                           damage, or injury caused; indemnification. 

Reparation: The making of amends for wrong or injury done. Restoration to good condition,  repair.

Indemnify: To compensate for damage or loss sustained, expense incurred, etc.
To guard or secure against anticipated loss, give security against (future damage of liability). Indemnification: something that serves to indemnify.

Liabilities: money's owed, debts or pecuniary obligations- liableness - the state or quality of being liable - legally responsible. 

Restoration: the act of restoring, renewal, revival, or reestablishment.
The state or fact of being restored. A return of something to a former, original,  normal, or unimpaired condition.  Restitution of something taken away or lost, something that is restored,  as by renovating. Putting back into a former position,  dignity, etc.

For some reading this, you're about to go through an exodus scenario...where Satan will be commanded to restore to you 7 times what he ready to receive the blessings as God commands your former captorsvto turn around and bless you. The Israelites actually received the wages they were owed as they fled it shall be for us....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...