Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 Sometimes  Grace is not responding at all to people's accusations and slanderous gossip, to outright lies spoken against us. Sometimes Grace is responding to these things by speaking truth in love.

Jesus' flesh was wholly consecrated to the Father's will- Jesus would not defend his own flesh, for it was not his own, it was the Father's to do with as He pleased. You'd think the Father would seek to preserve Jesus' flesh, for it was the only completely holy and righteous flesh in mankind's history (since the fall), but instead, he gave it up to be sacrificed.  The principal is this --  The more subjected to the Father's will we become,  the more intimate with him we are -  the more Holy we become,  the greater the sacrifice.  The Father will take flesh offered to Him and sacrifice it for the good of others, on other's behalf, but the more we lose our lives this way, the more of our Father's life we gain -- to the point where we can be stoned to death and yet live. Like Jesus,  we must not try to defend our flesh -  our flesh wants to preserve itself at all costs, no, we must give it away, to our Father. As He gives us our daily bread,  Jesus' righteous flesh, we give Him our daily bread (flesh), our unrighteous flesh, a Divine, daily exchange takes place.

As we daily forgive other's trespasses, He daily forgives ours. Again,  a daily exchange takes place - forgiveness for sins, as we accept His wine, His blood, poured out for us, He accepts our blood, given to Him in sacrifice   - it's a beautiful thing, a holy thing, that He initiated on the Cross.

On the Cross, God says to us -  I no longer want the flesh (and blood) of your Bulls and goats, I want your flesh daily. I want you to become My living sacrifice, offered to Me, on the altar of My will for you, where the fire of My Spirit will consume you, making you a burnt offering, a sweet savor, to Me. And just as the bush burned and was not consumed, so shall your flesh be unto Me, saith The Lord. And just as I spoke out of the bush that burned yet was not consumed,  so shall I speak out of you. And you shall be My witness  to a wayward generation-  consuming it's own flesh instead of Mine, hungering for unrighteous flesh, lusting for flesh that is unclean, and they will bring upon themselves  that which their hearts desire - for they will dwell forever in the flesh they craved, unrighteous flesh, devoid of My presence, saith the Lord. 

When we consume His flesh, we live by His faith, we live by His righteousness,  we declare in our daily communion "my own flesh cannot sustain me, my own flesh is abhorrent to me. I declare allegiance to Your flesh, O Lord, to Your Body, to Your people, whoever and wherever they are. My flesh, my life, is theirs to consume and theirs is mine." We truly live by giving our lives to one another -  in so doing, we fulfill the law of Christ, i.e. the law of love. We no longer live for ourselves, we live for Him, his will, which is to live for others. We declare in Communion, i no longer want unrighteous flesh- i want righteous flesh, Holy flesh, that i can abide in forever.  O Lord, my flesh is weak, and i have no righteousness in and of myself. 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

 My Passport opens with this statement:

The Secretary of State of the United States of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass without delay or hindrance, and in case of need to give all lawful aid and protection. 

It strikes me that we should adopt this same principle when dealing with one another in the Body of Christ:

The Lord Jesus, Christ of the Kingdom of Heaven, hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen of God's Kingdom named in the Book of Life to minister in any way they choose, without delay or hindrance, and to render likewise to them any and all ministry needed, spiritual or physical, shelter, food or clothing, all needs in their entirety. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

 Theocracy: A form of government in which God is recognized as the Supreme Civil ruler.

I recently had an epiphany.  To understand it, you need to understand what i previously understood  and thought to be true. Here it is: for years now, I've believed that the only government that will work in this world is a Theocracy  - with Jesus himself ruling and reigning from the New Jerusalem "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder- of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom,  to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever".

I thought, we will all have to wait till the "Millennial reign of Christ" to see this come to pass, and i still believe this - but now i see -  we do not have to wait for his government.  The Theocracy of which i speak is here, now. Those of us who have surrendered to His will, have a choice - to come under His rule now, we in the Body can live out this reality,  if we choose. We can make Jesus our head, when we call him "Lord", we can actually submit to Him in the here and now, corporately- meaning, he himself is our head and no man - meaning, we are all to bow low before him, at his feet, and acknowledge him as our king. He can and should decide all issues between us. He can direct and guide us. His government, of which there is no end, is here, now, in us, his people.  
The New Jerusalem is here, now, for it is us. Jesus is even now ruling and reigning on the earth in and through each believer. 

The full authority of his government  is ours to wield, the power is ours too. The religious church system denies him his rightful place and puts man in charge, which is what the world does, govern themselves apart from God. A song of adoration and praise means nothing if we don't give him his propee place in our lives. We are not waiting for him to return one day to rule and reign upon the earth (though he will), no, he is here now, in spirit, ruling and reigning, in us and through us. The millenial reign of Christ is simply the physical manifestation of a spiritual reign that's already happening. However, our enemy wants us to keep waiting for it to happen on some future day, no one knows when. He's terrified the saints will awaken to the glorious truth of God's word  -  all the authority and power of Jesus Christ himself is available to us now, all of us who believe,  not just a select few "chosen ones". 

I do believe there is a measure of faith, power and authority given to Apostles,  Prophets, and the other headship anointings but not because they are better or there is anything about them and that is unique or special that sets them apart from rest of the Saints, it is all because  He chose us to be whatever we become, and it is all so we can take any authority and power  granted us as headship ministers and lay it down at the feet of the Saints in service to them. They are the focus of our headship calling, not we ourselves,. We are to equip and enable THEM to DO the WORK of the ministry,  not go about doing all the work ourselves.  When all the saints are walking in all the headship anointings,  oh what a glorious day that will be! 
"But if all prophecy". "desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophecy", "the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also". "For when for the time you ought to be teachers" "do the work of an evangelist" "submit yourselves one to another" (pastor each other).

Saturday, March 12, 2022

let's open the floodgates 
let the anointing pour forth
let's break the yokes
let's altar the course 
let's succumb
to the Only One
who can make us holy
By His Spirit 
let us walk and breathe
and talk and conceive
and bring forth to the breach
what was before out of reach
let us be transparent 
let his light shine through 
let us guide the errant 
to the freedom to obey You -
who has to do with us
The One who ever is and ever will be
The God of the Crystal Sea,
The Rainbow Throne
The Cherubim and Seraphim
and all that is known -
who is love
who rides upon the thunder
and walks between the stones
who fills us with wonder
and never leaves us alone 
who cares for us
better than a mother
cares for her newborn 
who clothes us with righteousness 
who's mercies are new each morn


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

 God is raising up and releasing, even now - a company of "Moses Apostles" with the mandate and anointing to speak directly to Satan - LET MY PEOPLE GO that they may serve ME! 

Many of them have spent years on the back side of the desert, like Paul, and have been shepherds, like David. Many are unknown, and are not seeking fame or glory. Their sole desire is to lift up Jesus' name, not their own.

They will be sent directly to places of great bondage. Like Paul, some will be sent to "spiritual jails" where God's people are being held captive. 

Satan has made slaves out of God's people for far too long now, slaves to his many lies, slaves to his spirit, disguised as an "Angel of light". Satan pretends to be a messenger from God, indeed his desire is to pose as God -  blinding men to the truth by keeping them in darkness. He is stubborn and will not repent but he must obey The Word of The Lord spoken through the mouths of God's Apostles and Prophets. He must let my people go!!! Four words that will change God's people forever, the Church, just as they changed Israel's destiny back in Moses' day.

But when they are set free, it must be to serve The Lord,  not to go right back into some form of religous bondage, where they serve at a man's whims, who's main goal in life is to get as many people as he can to come and sit at his feet. Churches should be involved in a "catch and release program", that is to say, catch them, clean them, prepare them for the Lord to sup with, then release them into God's plan and purpose for them. The church is a net, not a fish tank. We are not meant to keep them, but to teach them and release them.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

 In Matthew 16, Peter got a revelation of who Jesus really was - the Christ, the Son of the living God, then immediately got a revelation of what Jesus wasn't meant to do. Peter had just received knowledge directly from the Father, then received false knowledge directly from Satan. Peter shared truth, then a lie. Out of the same mouth came fresh water and bitter. Why? How could this have happened?


I believe there was some fleshly competition among the apostles "And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest", i think when Peter was commended by and so highly spoken of by Jesus,  i think Peter got the big head. I think he got prideful and perhaps a bit arrogant,  and i think pride opens the door for Satan to influence us. Satan's kingdom is built on pride. God's is built on humility. Jesus rebuked them (and us) for trying to be the greatest (in man's eyes). "The kings (pastors) of the gentiles excersise lordship over them: and they that excersise authority upon them are called benefactors" - people today bless their pastors (or any leadership) with praise and money and willingly become subservient to them - but Jesus warned us "you shall not be so: but HE THAT IS GREATEST AMONG YOU, LET HIM BE AS THE YOUNGER;  AND HE THAT IS CHIEF, AS HE THAT DOTH SERVE "  - these are not just idle words Jesus is speaking, this is not just a nice philosophy to admire from a distance- this is the key to godly, Christ-like leadership in the Body today.

To "be as the younger" means we don't go around telling everyone else what to do, even what to believe: we don't make them follow us, no, we teach them by example how to be our Father's little children- totally dependant on Him, wholeheartedly in love with Him. We show people our constant reliance on our daddy - for sustenance,  for direction and purpose-  if God uses us at all, it should humble us further, not make us prideful,  "for pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall", sure enough, when Peter got puffed up in pride, Satan's spirit accosted him and he did what Satan did in heaven, and what he did in the garden, and what he wants all mankind to do - he rebuked Jesus! To his face! He told Jesus he was wrong. 
Today, this same spirit permeates denominations and churches and it influeces the whole world -  all daring to rebuke God, to contradict Him, to change the truth of God's word into a lie. 

Pride seems to have been a temptation for Peter throughout his life -  Paul actually rebuked him at one point "but when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed for before that certain came from James, he did eat with the gentiles (as the Holy Spirit instructed him to do,  when he sent him to Cornelius' house) but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself-  fearing (respecting) them that were of the circumcision". 
God is no respecter of persons, neither should we be. Our flesh is constantly looking for any excuse to exalt ourselves over our brethren  - "I have a four year degree from a Bible college", "I've stayed in your church and served you faithfully all these years", "I'm anointed", "I can prophecy", "i give large offerings". Churches compete with each other for influence and souls. All because of pride. Some look down on others because of their skin color. Some belittle others because of their gender. Married couples think they're better than singles. Each denomination thinks it's better than the rest. FLESH! FLESH! FLESH! "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity". 

The key to maintaining our heart's humility is to focus our hearts on Him, not on ourselves. Both the Song of Solomon and the book of Revelation end with this plea -  the passionate cry of the heart "Make haste, my beloved! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"

Just as Peter tried to correct Jesus -  so to, do many in leadership today try to bring correction to the Holy Spirit. In countless churches, on countless tongues,  their doctrine is the opposite of what the Holy Spirit teaches. They fall quickly into error when they do not receive the Holy Spirit's instruction "Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my Spirit upon you. I will make known my words unto you. Lean not unto your own understanding. Be not wise in your own eyes (or in the eyes of men)".
So many attend a Bible School in order to be counted wise by men; not realizing  wisdom is a spirit, and only knowledge imparted spirit to spirit can make us wise. It cannot be learned from a book , if the Holy Spirit is not present, it cannot be learned from men, mind to mind. People who do not learn from the Spirit are ever learning but never arriving at the knowledge of the Truth -  we can go to Bible school,  we can sit in a pew our entire lives, and feel really good about ourselves for doing it, and never know the truth, Jesus himself.  Wisdom is a spirit "making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom  and revelation in the knowledge of Him". 
When Jesus praised Peter, and told him "upon this rock I will build My church" He was alluding to Apostolic and Prophetic revelation -  for we are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom all the building fitly joined together groweth unto a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are builded together for an holy habitation of God through the Spirit".
We are meant by God to house the Holy Spirit.  Jesus,  as an infant, found no room in the Inn, but we, as infants, have found room in Heaven, that we may now be houses of the Holy Spirit. Without Him, we can understand,  and do, nothing. "He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."

So to summarize  - false doctrines,  doctrines of men and devils, enter in to our thinking when we become  arrogant enough to tell the Holy Spirit what is correct and what isn't.  What is true and what is not. Eventually,  though long-suffering, the Holy Spirit will cease altogether trying to teach truth to such people. Then more and more darkness enters in - till  their entire denomination dies. 

 When you read my writings you're reading the revelations God has shown me, meat i hope, for your hungry heart and soul, but not the mai...