Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 Sometimes  Grace is not responding at all to people's accusations and slanderous gossip, to outright lies spoken against us. Sometimes Grace is responding to these things by speaking truth in love.

Jesus' flesh was wholly consecrated to the Father's will- Jesus would not defend his own flesh, for it was not his own, it was the Father's to do with as He pleased. You'd think the Father would seek to preserve Jesus' flesh, for it was the only completely holy and righteous flesh in mankind's history (since the fall), but instead, he gave it up to be sacrificed.  The principal is this --  The more subjected to the Father's will we become,  the more intimate with him we are -  the more Holy we become,  the greater the sacrifice.  The Father will take flesh offered to Him and sacrifice it for the good of others, on other's behalf, but the more we lose our lives this way, the more of our Father's life we gain -- to the point where we can be stoned to death and yet live. Like Jesus,  we must not try to defend our flesh -  our flesh wants to preserve itself at all costs, no, we must give it away, to our Father. As He gives us our daily bread,  Jesus' righteous flesh, we give Him our daily bread (flesh), our unrighteous flesh, a Divine, daily exchange takes place.

As we daily forgive other's trespasses, He daily forgives ours. Again,  a daily exchange takes place - forgiveness for sins, as we accept His wine, His blood, poured out for us, He accepts our blood, given to Him in sacrifice   - it's a beautiful thing, a holy thing, that He initiated on the Cross.

On the Cross, God says to us -  I no longer want the flesh (and blood) of your Bulls and goats, I want your flesh daily. I want you to become My living sacrifice, offered to Me, on the altar of My will for you, where the fire of My Spirit will consume you, making you a burnt offering, a sweet savor, to Me. And just as the bush burned and was not consumed, so shall your flesh be unto Me, saith The Lord. And just as I spoke out of the bush that burned yet was not consumed,  so shall I speak out of you. And you shall be My witness  to a wayward generation-  consuming it's own flesh instead of Mine, hungering for unrighteous flesh, lusting for flesh that is unclean, and they will bring upon themselves  that which their hearts desire - for they will dwell forever in the flesh they craved, unrighteous flesh, devoid of My presence, saith the Lord. 

When we consume His flesh, we live by His faith, we live by His righteousness,  we declare in our daily communion "my own flesh cannot sustain me, my own flesh is abhorrent to me. I declare allegiance to Your flesh, O Lord, to Your Body, to Your people, whoever and wherever they are. My flesh, my life, is theirs to consume and theirs is mine." We truly live by giving our lives to one another -  in so doing, we fulfill the law of Christ, i.e. the law of love. We no longer live for ourselves, we live for Him, his will, which is to live for others. We declare in Communion, i no longer want unrighteous flesh- i want righteous flesh, Holy flesh, that i can abide in forever.  O Lord, my flesh is weak, and i have no righteousness in and of myself. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...