Friday, April 15, 2022

Book of Daniel part two

2:43 - Again, a timeless truth is revealed- Satan's kingdom is divided, division is the hallmark of his kingdom- denominations are a prime example. 
2:44  Today, in our day, before our eyes, God will "set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed"  We must intercede and cry out for this kingdom to fully appear here and now.
2:45 -  God reminds us this is all done with a stone cut out of the mountain with out hands. God can do as he pleases without man's help or input, thank you very much. We are not nearly as important as we think we are, though we are loved as much as we think we are.
2:47 - Would that we would all walk in such a way, that we would put on display God's glory and power, that the heathen and the pagans would testify that our God is mighty. Still, the king doesn't quite get it - he calls God a god of gods, not THE.
2:48&49 - Great promotion comes to Daniel, like it did to Joseph, and like Joseph, God uses Daniel to save many lives, through wisdom and understanding,  through dream interpretation. This is our purpose too, in the earth today - to save lives, to preserve souls, to give life, not condemnation.  Our message is one of hope, but the door to the gentiles will not remain open forever. The whole thing, by the way, was a God set-up. He gave the dream to the king, then withheld it from his conscious mind so he could then give the dream and interpretation to Daniel, who would in turn give honor and glory to Him, unlike the pagan wise men. These "wise men", instead of being gratefull to Daniel for sparing them, were jealous and resentful of his new found wealth and position, and because he could do what they could not. Don't be surprised when this happens to you. If you display God's presence in a supernatural or miraculous way, rather than being grateful,  your own pastor or brethren may turn on you and respond with jealousy and envy, hating and resenting you, instead of loving you, becoming angry instead of thankful.  Hear this - The prophetic especially and the supernatural in general, exposes people's hearts, lays them bare before God and man. Remember the ten lepers? I have to fix my mind on God and keep it focused on him. Quit flirting with God and commit. HERE I AM LORD - REND ME.
Chapter 3
1 - the image is king/man made -  mankind is heavily into worshipping himself. Anything we can dream up can become idolatry. Self on the throne of our heart is the "Abomination that causes desolation". In Babylon,  "Nebuchadnezzar" literally means " tears and groans of judgment". This is a graphic depiction of all who remain in Babylon, submitted to it's king, Satan. Jesus described it this way "weeping and gnashing of teeth".
Part three soon

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...