Monday, August 1, 2022

In Mark 5:28, she speaks by faith - "If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole!" She prophecies to herself! Many were pressing in close to Jesus, wanting him to touch them - BUT SHE WANTED TO TOUCH HIM! How many today, in their church services, ask Jesus to touch them? Did He not say, when we gather together in His name, He is there in our very midst? Can we not touch Him today? Is He in their midst? Are they gathering in His name or the name of their church or denomination? 

We too need to prophecy to ourselves.  We need to speak faith over ourselves. We need to believe what we say we believe.  God bless your family doctor but is he (or she) the first one you turn to when you get sick? Go ahead and take his counsel and advice but he probably has no faith in Jesus to heal you. He has faith in his own wisdom and the knowledge man has accumulated. Put your faith in them and you may or may not be healed. Sometimes you'll get worse. You may end up spending all you have without getting better. 

Verse 33 is also true of us today, for our proper place too, is to come and fall down before Jesus, telling Him "all the truth". Do not ever tell Jesus part of the -  confess all to him. Verses 39&40 -  "And when he was come in, he said to them, Why make you this ado and weep? the damsel is not dead , but sleepeth" - it's the Lord who decides whether we're dead or not, not anyone else nor the evidence of our own senses. "And they laughed him to scorn". Jesus testified he is the ressurection and the life - yet in His very presence,  they mocked him and would not believe him. Today, many do the same. Some open their Bibles Sunday after Sunday and do not believe what they're reading. Or they believe it happened then, but can never happen today. If someone comes in with true, libing faith - speaking the words of Jesus, of life, they laugh them to scorn. God tells us not to sit in the seat of the scornful,  yet they do. They measure their godliness and divine favor by how much material wealth they have. Do they own their own building, how many people attend their services? These are how Babylon measures success, God's units of measurement are far different.  Small is big in his eyes. Big is small. Large congregations don't impress Him, if he isn't welcome. Two or three people plus the Holy Spirit is a church He will attend. In verse 43 he does the opposite of his instructions in verse 19.

In Mark 6:56 - The testimony of the woman with the issue of blood spread so far that every village or city  or country Jesus went to , from then on, "besought him that they might touch as it were but the border of his garment: and so many that touched him were made whole" . Touch him or be touched by him; either way we are made whole. By his word alone we can be healed. 
In chapter 7:2 - we see the hallmark of all religious leadership,  from the Pharisees of Jesus day to the Pharisees of our day, they find faults. They look for flaws. Love covers sins - pride exposes them. In everyone but themselves.  Indeed, one of the hallmarks of a wise man is not that he has a lot of knowledge, but that he is able to receive correction,  and is the happier for it. 

Chapter 7 verses 6-8 is just as true of today's religious leadership as it was then. All who do not love and follow and obey the Holy Spirit will end up following his fake counterpart- the spirit of religion.  Verse 9 of chapter 7 of Mark's gospel is so true today, in countless churches and synagogues and mosques around the world- "FULL WELL YOU REJECT THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD, THAT YOU MAY KEEP YOUR OWN TRADITION(s)" This single verse describes religious Christianity better than any other. It doesn't matter which denomination, all are DUI's - Denominations Under the Influence of the religious spirit. Even non-traditional, non-denominational churches submit to it. They too will found build and pattern themselves after a man and he isn't Jesus, often times. In most churches, to be honest, the pastor is the leader not Jesus.

In chapter 7 verse 31, Jesus visits the place he sent the demoniac to, Decapolis. Perhaps he was the Lord's John the Baptist there, making crooked paths straight,  preparing the way for the Lord. Perhaps Jesus knew ahead of time he'd be going there. Perhaps one planted, another watered, and God gave the increase. Perhaps the man who HAD BEEN possessed  met him there a second time and perhaps this time Jesus consented to allow him to become a disciple who followed him everywhere he went. I love this testimony of our Lord in 7:37 - "He has done all things well". I long for the day, if it ever comes, when this will be said of me. "He makes both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak." He's still doing this today. I was deaf. For too long I could not hear his voice. And too, i was dumb. I could not speak the words of life. And i wasn't smart, no, not at all. I'm still dumb in some ways, God help me.  

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...