Monday, October 3, 2022

 I want to switch places with Jesus. I want to sit in Him at the right hand of the Father and I want Him to sit in me here on earth. I want to sit with Him on His throne while He sits on the throne of my heart. I want to partake of His glorified body while He partakes of my flesh - given to Him in sacrifice   - which is reasonable, after all He's done for me, my sacrafice pales in comparison.  Please Lord - take control of me completely.  You've prepared a place for me in Heaven - please accept my heart as a place prepared for You on earth. You said You had nowhere to lay Your head when You walked among us, in Your own flesh.....please, lay Your head on my breast, lay Your head in my heart - rest in me; as You've invited me to rest in You. May I refresh You with pure, clean water -  flowing out of the throne of my heart wherein You sit.  As You sit on the throne of my heart-  and the water of life flows out of,  from underneath the throne- may You dip Your feet in it, and may I wash them, Lord.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...