Friday, November 11, 2022

 I may have a word to share but is it THE word to share in this moment, in this place? You may have THE word, in which case, I should yield to you, thankful that you're obedient to the Lord. 

A word, a revelation,  may be anointed when it's given- but it may not be when it's repeated - it may have been for those people it was originally shared with, in a particular place at a particular time,  or the Holy Spirit may anoint it again and again. It may be meant to be shared with a generation of people-  some teaching should be repeated and shared again and again,  the key is -  He is the one sharing it, each time.

We must not become dependant on a man, any man - no matter how anointed he is, for revelation and understanding.  We must not forsake our own seeking,  our own hearing what the Lord is speaking.  The temptation inherent in typical "church services" is to only receive from God through the pastor or elders -  they may be more mature for a season, but may not be more anointed, indeed, God has ordained words to bless us all -  from the mouths of babes and sucklings.  He is able to speak through and use the youngest among us, to the oldest. Did He not testify -  "I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh" ? And what happens when His Spirit comes in contact with human flesh? "And your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions" - you see it? The young and the old, sons and daughters,  ALL FLESH, black, white or purple, male or female,  young or old-  all flesh will be baptized in His Spirit, will be used by him to prophecy and receive dreams and visions. Incidentally,  i love how he says old men will dream dreams. Their lives aren't over, just because they're old! God will still use them -  they can still dream for their future, for the end is the beginning in God. "And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit ". "All flesh" includes no class distinctions -  He does not respect or respond to our status in the eyes of man, rich or poor. God will use them all, bless them all, though,  funny enough, he mentions servants here, the poor -  but says nothing about the rich "BUT WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE DELIVERED".

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