Friday, November 25, 2022

 The reason apostles and prophets cannot simply "plug in" to their local church is because pastors, typically,  do not love truth. They do not want to give up or share authority with another. They do not want to be seen as weak or lacking anointing or understanding because they measure themselves with each other -  instead of with Christ. They do not place a premium on truth, as revealed by the Holy Spirit.  Truth is a person -  the person of Jesus Christ  -  and He will always take the lowest seat in the house until we invite him to go higher, until we him the highest seat of honor in our hearts and then in our churches. 

A true apostle or prophet likewise will not presume to take a seat of honor in any church or fellowship but he will take a low seat, in a spirit of humility,  and wait to be invited to a higher seat -  but in 99% of churches this will never happen, indeed, if the pastor sees they are appointed and anointed of God, he will resist them and seek to have them removed from their midst, usually.  Especially when apostles and prophets are "witnesses of the truth" -  they will point out falsehoods when they hear them. They will bring much needed correction  if it will be welcomed but many in leadership do not want it or welcome it. Many will not repent of their pride and arrogance-  their hypocrisy,  until the jail they rule over is shaken to it's very foundation and destroyed-  but better to have the dead religion they call "Christianity" and "Church" destroyed then their soul destroyed forever in hell, which is where they're going if they continue to prevent themselves or their followers from entering in -  they are producing "children of hell" rather than sons and daughters of the most High God. 

Apostles and Prophets are desperately needed in this hour, authority sent from God is needed, and the faith to walk in that authority,  to confront the false authority Satan has set up. They are needed to show us a more excellent way "AND YET I SHOW YOU A MORE EXCELLENT WAY". In our day, confrontation must once again take place.  Just as Jesus, then the apostles, confronted the religious leadership of their day -  so must we today. This clash has been happening throughput the ages, but never more clear, with more profound results than today. It is time we stood up and called God's people "OUT OF DARKNESS AND INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT". What a privilege to live in our day! To be chosen by God to "SET AT LIBERTY THEM THAT ARE BRUISED, TO HEAL THE BROKEN HEARTED, TO PREACH DELIVERANCE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND TO ENABLE THE BLIND TO RECOVER THEIR SIGHT" - portions of all the anointings on all the previous generations are being poured out on the last generation! Moses, Elijah, David and Jeremiah-  Samuel and Isaiah, Daniel and on and on -  all present now, here, with us - a whole company of apostles and prophets going forth with Heaven's mandate in their hearts and The Word Himself in their mouths. Join them or be lost forever-  choose courage or fear, Moses or Korah. We will not compromise to please Pharaohs or our flesh. We will not negotiate with "terrorists" -  demonic principalities and powers,  rulers of the darkness of this world. We will not allow spiritual wickedness to remain in "high places" in our hearts or churches any longer. We will stand and face our common foe with this command -  "LET MY PEOPLE GO!"

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...