Friday, January 6, 2023

Part two

"But be not ye called Rabbi ( master, teacher): for one is your Master, even Christ; and ye are all brethren"  -  Yet in church after church I've been in, pastors demand to be called "Pastor" or "Teacher" (learned ome) - they take great pride in titles -  Enough! From hence forth we are all brethren. We may be an apostle or prophet but we must not demand to be called such. Just do the work. Use first names. Do not exalt yourself -  "whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted". 

I'm crying out to this generation of ministers God is raising up  -  do not take any glory for yourselves-  you exist to give Him glory and no man. Do not be like the Academy Awards, do not get together and praise and exalt each other. Do not name drop, except the name of Jesus.  Name drop His name as much as you like. All should leave your presence saying "I've been with Christ". Oh how we love our celebrities  in America.  Even the Prophetic movement has them. The Big shots. The Big names. Some because God has exalted them, some because people have. If God exalts you, work extra hard to keep men from doing so. I'm also speaking to myself here. Right now, I'm a nobody,  and i may remain so but if i ever become "known" I must remind myself to follow my own advice.  I do not ever want to be the focus of any gathering of believers -  Jesus must be the One we focus on whenever we meet -  even when just two or three of us meet together.  "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them". 

Now I ask you -  if Jesus is in our midsf, whenever we gather together,  who should our focus be on? I would be mortified if Jesus and i were standing together and you put your attention on me! Again -  if our focus is on Him -  and we are all "brethren" -  then divisions will fade away with our fleshly lusts and desires as they're crucified in His presence,  in our midst -  no one of us can exalt ourselves in His presence but all of us should (spiritually) be on our faces before Him. This is how divisions die in any fellowship.  At the Cross, Christ is above all, where He belongs. We died with Him on the Cross, in the bleeding body of our Savior  -  who among us dares to exalt himself over his brethren? Who is "greater"? The very desire to be greater, to be honored and recognized by men, must die.....daily.  Is Jesus not our example? He said "I receive not honor feom men". 

"I am come in my Father's name, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive.  How can you believe,  which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that comes from God only?"

Let us come in Jesus name, not our own. Let us homour Jesus -  and the Father who sent him, not ourselves.  Let us go forth in his authority, his power, and his Spirit, not our own and let us give all glory for the results to HIM who is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before the  presence of His glory with exceeding joy, for His is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...