In the world, righteousness is based on what people think is right in their own eyes. Because they are not basing their morality on Jesus - the only standard the Father will accept, there are no absolutes- their morals shift with whatever is popular at the moment. Their righteousness is based on THEM, what they think - they walk around with signs, they talk endlessly on newscasts or talk shows - on TV or radio, trying to convince each other that they are right and therefore good. To them, you are right, morally upright, if you agree with them, AND they believe that if they can reach enough people and get enough people to agree with them, it's proof they were right all along.
All we like sheep have gone astray - following the wrong Shepherds. My point is, in the world, people decide what is right or what is wrong , because that is what gods do! They see themselves as gods - as masters of their own destiny, of their own brief lives. They've replaced God with themselves. One thing God does, afterall, is judge right from wrong. This is the point of The Law, to show us what really is right or wrong - from God's perspective and therefore to show us we cannot ever be right in and of ourselves, in our own wisdom and strength.
In God's Kingdom, righteousness is based on a person - "In his days, Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is His name whereby he shall be called; THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS" - our goodness, our righteousness, does not in any way come from us at all "THERE IS NONE GOOD BUT ONE, THAT IS, GOD" and "AS IT IS WRITTEN, THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO, NOT ONE. THERE IS NONE THAT UNDERSTANDS, THERE IS NONE THAT SEEKS AFTER GOD. THEY ARE ALL GONE OUT OF THE WAY, THEY ARE TOGETHER BECOME UNPROFITABLE, THERE IS NONE THAT DOETH GOOD, NO, NOT ONE. THEIR THROAT IS AN OPEN SEPULCHRE (a grave), WITH THEIR TONGUES THEY HAVE USED DECEIT, THE POISON OF ASPS IS UNDER THEIR LIPS".
This is God's summation of the world, of all mankind- apart from Christ, it is impossible ro do good, to be righteous because every act of seeming goodness they do glorifies themselves and declares "God - we do not need you, we are good enough without you. See what good people we are! See how wise we are! Who needs you God? (except as a means of making money). People who say they need you are weak".
Yet, those who declare they are righteous because of their religion are under the same spirit as those in the world who go about seeking to establish their own righteousness. God says this about His own people - "They have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness AND GOING ABOUT TO ESTABLISH THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, HAVE NOT SUBMITTED THEMSELVES UNTO THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD - FOR CHRIST IS THE END OF THE LAW FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS TO EVERYONE THAT BELIEVES".
The churches of our day are busily going about seeking to establish their own righteousness - based on what is right in their eyes ( some of us need to become blind in order to see). They set up a "statement of beliefs" declaring their understanding to be right - therefore all they teach is right and it is all from the same spirit that permeates the world. It is rooted in pride. Every denomination believes their beliefs are right. Some beliefs are common to all but even these, if declared from a place of pride, avail them nothing, indeed, blind them to the truth, because one they declare they know, they can see, they can't be taught anymore, on the subject they say they understand.
In John chapter 9, we find a very interesting conversation between Jesus and some Pharisees - "And Jesus said FOR JUDGEMENT I AM COME INTO THIS WORLD, THAT THEY WHICH SEE NOT MIGHT SEE; AND THAT THEY WHICH SEE MIGHT BE MADE BLIND. And some of the Pharisees which were witn him heard these words and said unto him, ARE WE BLIND ALSO? Jesus said to them IF YOU WERE BLIND, YOU SHOULD HAVE NO SIN: BUT NOW YOU SAY, WE SEE; THEREFORE YOUR SIN REMAINS".
How fascinating! Because they say they see, their sins remain. I think this has to do with pride....something every denomination is caught in. Be very careful what you brag about!
Part two soon feel free to comment below
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