Friday, June 9, 2023

 On a single Road tripp I

 Saw the Hoover Dam
 Saw the Canyon Grand
 Saw Niagra Falls
 and an International Puppet Festival 
 Saw the Red Sox play
 and win at Fenway
 and went swimming in Crater Lake
 Saw whales watching me
 Saw Multnomah Falls beauty
Saw Old Faithful 
 and much more at Yellowstone 
 Went frisbee golfing in Montana far from home
 On both coasts i sat by a fire on the beach
 We tried to wrap our arms around a Redwood tree
 I saw Big Foot but he didn't see me
 Went to Joshua Tree park
 got lost on a lark
 Saw the Blue man group
 Went horseback riding in the desert
 what a coupe!
 Road on boats, trains and automobiles, 
 Saw Carlsbad Caverns -
 them bats are for real!
 Swam in lake Michigan 
 saw The Bean -  and both sisters again 
 Stayed on the Outer Banks 
 and so much more for which to give thanks!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...