Wednesday, October 11, 2023

 You know when you're really cold and someone wraps a warm blanket around you? That's sort of what God's love is like. Our hearts can get awfully cold and lonely  in the dark  - but God sends His fire  - not to destroy us or harm us, but to provide light and warmth. His fire only burns that which would harm us- our fleshly lusts and desires  - His holy fire or the fire of Hell forever...... the choice is ours. 

You know when you're extremely hungry and someone gives you something to eat for free? That's sort of like what fellowship with God is like.  He satisfies our soul's deepest hunger.  And our thirst.  "I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE: HE THAT COMETH TO ME SHALL NEVER HUNGER; AND HE THAT BELIEVES ON ME SHALL NEVER THIRST ".

Have you ever been lonely and a friend calls you up to hang out with you? Yup. That's just like God  - he wants to fill us with His friendship,  love and support.  He cares for us!

One of my favorite words in all the Bible is "BELOVED".
How awesome that God chooses to call us his "Beloved"! How awesome that his commandment to us is to love and "be loved"!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...