Tuesday, November 21, 2023

"Blaze Of Glory"

I heard the Lord speak these words  -

My Bride
 will rise

She'll perform miracles 
greater than any I've done.
She will shine as brightly as the Son.
She'll walk in the realm of the miraculous daily
and manifest My Presence to all she meets.
She'll be hated of all men for My name's sake. 
She'll reveal quite clearly 
who is real and who is fake.
The Fire of My Presence 
will consume her entire heart.
She'll rise on the flame of My love for her
to My bosom  where we'll never be apart:
For she is Mine and I AM hers  -
Her love for Me stays true no matter what occurs.

Yet even as My fire brings her higher, 
the fire of Hell brings the world lower:
For all are set ablaze 
in these last days.
To My Bride I will prove
that I AM Faithful,  Just and True.
All I've promised I will adhere to:
Till every word is fulfilled -
Then all souls will stand before Me,   still,
beholding My Bride and I
before I cast them all aside
where there'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth 
as they cry out to Me for relief.
Forever before My Throne
their torment will be known.
We'll ever hear their cries,
the cries of the damned,
who chose to be foolish 
                                       and not wise

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...