Friday, January 19, 2024

    "Oh you that take comfort in your religion instead of Me, saith The Lord,  shall find yourselves naked and ashamed in the day of My visitation  - You shall indeed weep and gnash your teeth for you trusted in man and not in the One who made you.
You exalted man's words over Mine and made Me the servant of the corrupt one. You belittled My name among the lost sheep of My pasture and you trusted in your own strength and wisdom to save you. 

Know you not that I, The Lord, see all who transgress My ways? Know you not that you shall be weighed in the balances, and found wanting? Can you stand in the Day of My Judgment? You cannot. 

You shall drink the cup of My wrath in the Day of My Visitation   - yet even now, if you will repent, and turn from your wicked ways, I will receive you.

Hear O wicked and perverse generation,  who twist My words, who delight in that which is right in their own eyes  - HEAR I SAY  - your religion which you trusted in will not save you. Man cannot save you. You cannot save yourselves. 

Fall on the rock of your Salvation.  Cry out to Me now with your hearts  -  for I see the character of your hearts  - I see the truth or lack of it in the inward parts. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE OF! Cry out to ME and do not cease till I have answered your cries."

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...