Friday, February 9, 2024

 Many have spoken many words to Me
  but have done it out of vanity.
It isn't the amount of words that please,
 rather it's the words born in the furnace of adversity.
I cam see through 
 the veil you've placed on your heart.
I can see what comes from
 the place you haven't surrendered 
and no matter how much you say,
I can see when you're a pretender.

Oh child  - let down your guard.
My child  - give Me your beart!
I'll be gentle and tender with your inmost parts
but child I can do nothing with you
till you come to Me in sincerity and truth.

I know the love you've known 
has often failed you so.
Oh child,  they were not of Me,
Your wounds have made Me weep.
I've cried for you.
I've wept many tears.
Your pain has led us to this moment, 
right now, right here.

I've opened My heart to you
won't you do the same for Me? 
There is nothing I won't do
to embrace you for eternity. 

Remember this  -
      one who is beautiful in My eyes  -
A broken and a contrite heart
     I will never despise...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...