Friday, February 23, 2024

On Ministry


One of the greatest dangers of ministry is ministry itself, because if we're not careful,  we can end up making the ministry into a mask that we then hide behind  - avoiding The Lord's presence  while publicly proclaiming Him to be our Lord. 

The more successful our ministry becomes,  the more danger we are in. We have the anointing (though this too can be faked), we have the testimonies:  God is obviously using us, and so, we appear outwardly as if all is well between us and God, yet, it may not be true. It becomes much harder to crucify our flesh when our flesh is exalted above our brethren's. We may drift further and further  from our Father, we may stop seeking His Face, we may stop pressing into Him each day, oir passion for His presence waning  - yet all the while maintaining a "successful ministry" - an outward show that's nothing like our inward reality.  We become desperate to impress people with our gift  - usually our speaking skill and our stage presence. We need to impress with our wisdom and insights, our understanding of God's Word. We end up seeking the company of people each Sunday, not God. We want the people to believe all is well   - for we are their spiritual advisor, their superior  if you will. We come to enjoy,  even crave their affection and approval.  Their praise can become the worst thing that can happen to us  - not Satan's attacks. Genuine encouragement builds us up but flattery will destroy us. "Psstor Appreciation Day", with people fawning all over us, lavishing praise upon us, affirming their loyalty to us  - can destroy our good standing with God, for we start to believe  we are "special", seperate from the congregation,  somehow better, instead of unworthy servants, doing as we're told. We stop giving all glory and praise to God and we start accepting some of it for ourselves.  We begin to believe we deserve it. We start referring to ministry as "our ministry"or "my ministry" - We even name "our ministry" after ourselves   - thereby exalting our own names.

The point is  - in ministry,  the more God uses us, The more humble we should become.  We minister for Him, for His glory  - not our own. Men (flesh) love to be exalted and praised by other men. Just check out the endless awards ceremonies each year. The temptation to become lifted up in pride in our hearts, is ever present with us, and must be avoided at all costs. If we are ministering without seeking His prese3daily, if ministering to Him is not our first priority  - it can all become a show, a false religious ritual, void of God's presence.  It may look and sound wonderful,  and oh so spiritual,  to soulish, carnal saints, but it's completely lacking  God's presence and approval.  Anyone spiritual,  i.e. born of and walking in the Spirit,  led by Him,  will see right through it. These types of Christians  - carnal, soulish,  are a dime a dozen. There are denominations full of them. All pastors want to know when they meet each other is "how many attend your church"? As if numbers are an indication that God's with them, approving their ministry.  My God! Nothing could be further from the truth.  Large numbers may indicate God's blessings upon their efforts to serve Him but more often than not it's Satan who is sending people to a pastor and church in droves because they are serving him, not God.

Luke 16:15  - "You are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knows your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God".

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...