Saturday, March 16, 2024

 The Bible can be read two ways  - with our minds or with our hearts. One way leads to death, the other to life. As for me and my heart, we will seek the Lord. I want to eat the fruit of the Tree of Life,  who's leaves heal the nations: we are leaves on the Tree of Life! E who believe on the Christ, the Holy One of God. The sap in that tree is the blood of the Lamb- our Christ  - the BREAD OF Life. When his side was pierced,  when his hands and feet were pierced,  the sap of that Tree of Life all ran out and it died  - Eternal life itself tasted death and died on our behalf,  for it was a very lonely tree, for if no one could eat of it's fruit, grown for all mankind to partake of  - then it would die of loneliness so that it could be ressurected when all could eat of it again.  The Father created a new tree (recreated I should say) and planted it in the midst of the garden of our hearts  - where we may partake of it's fruit freely, joyfully,  Our souls, our flesh becomes the soil of the new Eden. Now that Jesus has been ressurected   - the Tree of Life is flourishing once again.  When we allow Jesus access to our hearts  - the Tree of Life is planted in us, and we are to eat of it's fruit in each other - through daily fellowship and communion. We really do need each other - for our life is found by giving away the Christ in us to each other: and receiving Him back again  from those we gave Him away to. Our words to one another  -  they are spirit and they are life (or death if we're eating from the wrong tree for then we submit our tongues to the wicked one. Then hell's fire is manifested by our words instead of Heaven's fire). Our lips will reveal our hearts, who our hearts belong to, who is residing in them, which tree we are eating of. The more we consume the Word of God with our hearts (the Tree of Life), the more of us it consumes. It occupies more and more of the soil of our hearts till one day there's nothing left in our hearts for the enemy to occupy and plant and cultivate his lies and unbelief and hate and lust and all that opposes God: the true, living and Eternal God  - the legitamate claimant to our hearts affections  - not that usurper, that false god, who wants to exalt us in disobedience to He who knows us best. He wants to keep us eating from the wrong tree - the Tree of sin and death.

 I see men as trees walking  - either the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or the Tree of Life,  and when we meet each other we will partake of whichever fruit the other is bearing in their soul. One tree bears death, the other, life. One unbelief,  or belief in one's self, the other, faith. One is the fruit of the flesh, carnal, the other is the fruit of the Spirit,  holy. "You shall know them by their fruits. Every good tree brings forth good fruut, but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit  - neither can a corrupt tree brings forth good fruit. Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them." 
Is their tongue on fire of Hell? Bad fruit = bad tree. Is their tongue seasoned with salt  - speaking kind, gracious words that witness of Christ? Good fruit = good tree. Like the Tree of Life died and has been ressurected and now bears much fruit  - so must we  - "I say to you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit. Every branch in Me that bears not fruit He takes away  - and every branch that bears fruit, he purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit. He that abides in Me and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit  - for without Me you can do nothing."  When we are "Born Again" we are meant to switch trees. We are supposed to stop focusing our lives on pursuing knowledge  and start focusing our lives on pursuing God, the source of knowledge.  A passionate heart seeking Him He will never despise nor turn away from. It is what He longs for  - the same unbroken fellowship He enjoyed with us in the Garden of Eden.

So seek Him with all your heart mind and strength and you will find Him. "Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you" (as the prodigal son found out). What a glorious promise! I love you Lord and i always will. I've tried to fight it  - I've foolishly tried to resist you,  but you are more pleasurable,  your fruit is far sweeter than the other tree's fruit.  I want to eat of you, again and again.  I want to be your "Johnny Appleseed". I want my words and deeds to plant your seeds in the hearts of everyone i meet. I want to live by what you feed me. I want to drink the juice of the Tree of Life  and taste tgat gloriously abundant life you promised me. I choose life! Not death. Amen and Amen. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...