Sunday, March 31, 2024

Part Two

 I met an Indonesian woman who had been attending an American church in Seoul for over ten weeks. She confided in me how lonely she was. She kept hoping someone from the church would invite her out to lunch after church, or even just introduce themselves to her  -  yet no one ever did. All the contact she ever had with this church's members was when the pastor told the people to stand and greet each other for two minutes during their religious ceremony.  Tgey would smile, shake her hand and say "welcome to our church", then immediately forget about her. She was in Korea working on her doctorate, living apart from her husband and children,  so she really did need fellowship.  But she never got it. 

This church's "love" was expressed through organized programs   - Come feed the homeless! Of course  - that's a good thing, but again, but not if it becomes a religious activity to be seen of men  - that avoids relationship entirely.  The homeless person remains homeless and becomes another notch in the church's belt, something to be proud of.  They may not be prideful about it but they still won't take the crucial step real, genuine love would take  - that is, invite the homeless into their homes. Invite them into a personal relationship.  Instead, they remain a part of their "ministry" and ministry is a religious activity to them, that proves they are Christians. 

Keep in mind  - what I'm suggesting must always be led by the Spirit. Am I saying every homeless person must be invited into our homes? No, but be sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit - to Divine appointments He's arranged.  Be willing to, at all times, go the extra mile, and sacrifice time, money, personal space food and possessions. Give, give, give! Then give some more. When you invite someone to the altar, to enter into a relationship with God   - show them how real it is by inviting them into a personal relationship with you and yours. Begin to disciple them personally.  Invite them to your house  - for your house is His HOUSE, is it not? Indeed, no one will receive a house in Heaven from God that hasn't given their house on earth to God, if they have one. But have a physical house or not, invite them to live in your heart, as the Apostle said "I love you because i have you in my heart".

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...