Monday, March 25, 2024

 I rejoice not
 for those satisfied 
 with the life they've got 
 rather my heart abounds
 with sympathies profound
 for those who struggle mightily 
 with this life they've no choice but to lead.
 All who are dissatisfied 
 contemplating suicide 
 all through their lives
 the peace and happiness 
 with which others seem blessed  -
These are my companions,
 the sorrowful who don't "fit in" -
 the lonely,  rejected, 
 ignored, disrespected, 
 the ugly (in the world's eyes),
the ill thought of  - i will not despise...
These are they whom my soul loves,
  or have no-one tto love them,
 Oh God, please may I be their friend  -
All who have no  one who cares  -
 I've more than enough love to spare;
  For in your heart, Lord, is an endless supply 
 of love for those the world cruelly denies...
May I never be
  selfish nor greedy
  with the love You've given me...
May I daily
  pour it out to
   every poor empty heart who
  longs for the love
    they were born to know  -
The love of The Father, The Son,
  and The Holy Ghost...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...