Saturday, April 6, 2024

 Part two

In all things give Jesus the preeminence   - this will keep fleshly ambitions and agendas at bay. Jesus chooses to minister to us through us. I mean, he can personally minister to us with no one else present,  but for healing, we need one another. God dwells in me and will heal through me  - through my hands and mouth "but you, beloved,  building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost" - we stir up our faith by praying in tongues  but we release our faith by the laying on of hands   - we can only give away what we've received from the Lord. Miracles are not difficult,  they're very simple. It's simply a matter of knowing our identity in Christ  and believing it, then stepping out in boldness.  I call the power and favor of God down on you now. The Church has been dumbed down by the devil into thinking we're just here to hear a message,  not experience the power of God, that is to say, his presence.  Often when we pray over people,  we blow on them. This is Biblical  - Jesus breathed on his disciples.  "I declare your will be done in this earth   - this person,  as it is done in heaven, perfectly."  We don't deserve it  - we need it!   I want to be drunk in the Spirit because when I'm drunk i don't care if i look funny or silly. We birth the impossible by seeing things by faith.  I'm possible! I want to pray the prayer of decreement! We first imagine the impossible   - then we believe what we're seeing,  then we speak it and decree it. Our imagination is a gift from God. We see it in our imagination by faith, not with natural eyes  - we see it in the Spirit,  with spiritual eyes. These are the eyes Jesus said to anoint with eye salve. He also referred to spiritual "ears to hear" what the Spirit is saying.  

Healing is the children's bread, praise God! We don't ever have to beg or plead for healing, for ourselves or others. Lord, you cancel what is due me by your amazing grace: therefore i forgive and cancel what is due those who have sinned against me  - lay it not to their charge. Do not punish them, Lord, do not let them reap what they've sown.
Genesis 30 secret:  God gave Jacob the impossible by giving him the ability to imagine it. By setting up the stakes where the cattle came to drink and mate, he was imagining them being born with markings, genetically impossible yet God did it. When i pray for a healing, it's physically impossible,  yet God does it, for my faith trumps all natural laws. The healing may not manifest immediately (most often it will) but it's done the moment i confess it. Hebrews 11:3  - we create things in the natur out of the words we speak that come out of our spirits. God has a spiritual solution to every impossible natural circumstance.  God is my Father. My Father is the Creator, so i too am a creator. I have miraculous,  creative power in me, just like my daddy. I must be about my Father's business!

LET THERE BE! God first saw it, imagined it, thought it, then spoke it qnd it came to be, and this works for us too. We see it by faith: playgrounds for orphans in India, my children's books published and selling well, "Throne Rooms" established around the world. Things that are seen are made of things tgat are not seen. Our faith is in things not seen with our natural eyes, yet, we believe for the healing, then we see it. Believing is seeing in God's kingdom! Sometimes we pray then abort our prayers because we're looking in the natural realm with our naked eye, while we should be looking with eyes that see in the faith realm. We think it's not happening   - Genesis 30:25-43 teaches us how to see things by faith. The rods were there to encourage Jacob to see it by faith  - to look past what was impossible for man to what was possible for God. FAITH ALWAYS LOOKS AT GOD'S ABILITY,  not man's inability.  

Lord, we need Your Faith! Remember,  believe it, see it (with your imagination), speak it. Our words are full of creative power for they are spiritvand they are life. "Rise, take up thy bed of unbelief,  and walk". Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks  - either faith or unbelief.  Romans 10:9 -  we confess with our mouth what we believe in our heart, not what we intellectually give heed to. The miraculous life i desire is already mine  - i just need to step out in faith and begin doing the Word, not just hearing it.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...