Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 Usually in life, especially at work, one meets one of four types of people   -

 1) The very very rude  - These people are toxic. They go out of their way to offend.  They're full of hate or bitterness,  or both, towards you. Often they walk in the spirit of the Anti-Christ that directly opposes the Holy Spirit whom you walk in. Often they are very wounded and they're dying from their wounds, or dead already. 

2) The rude, but not overtly so. They're not friendly at all. Don't know or don't care about social niceties.  Won't say hello when you walk by or good morning.  Won't respond if you greet them. They avoid you or ignore you, but not hateful  -  just indifferent to your existence. 

3) The friendly.  Nice people.  Smile when they see you. Welcoming.  They say "hello" and "good morning". They make an effort to be nice. They're pleasant to be around and work with. 

4) The very, very friendly.  They go above and beyond the norm. They offer to help (for instance  - with moving). They will pay for your lunch. When they go out, they invite you along. They give their hand in (real genuine) friendship.  They do charity work. They love everyone including their enemies. They exude warmth and kindness. You enjoy being with them. 

The question i must ask myself (and you should ask yourself) is  - which of these four types of people am i?

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...