Tuesday, May 21, 2024

 Part three

You kept your life for yourself, never sharing it with him (again i repeat: just going to a religious service once a week is not "abiding in Him") You married Him but never moved in with Him! You gave Him lip service but you never gave Him your heart. You passionately gave yourself to your favorite sports team, your favorite author or tv show, your hobby or any number of pursuits. You could join your friends for the latest Hollywood movie blockbuster at the drop of a hat, but you couldn't tarry with Him for even one hour in prayer. But you told everyone your whole life long you were a "follower of Christ", his disciple, his son or daughter, but you never bore him fruit  - you were a barren bride, for a bride that never enters into intimacy with her husband  will remain barren, she cannot bear fruit, unless we "abide in Him and he in us" . His seed must enter into us for His fruit to grow in us. Hell is full of empty wombs, who never bore him fruit or who aborted the seed God planted in them. Heaven is full of those aborted seeds and wombs that bore unto Him many souls.  You, dear one, cannot go to Heaven empty handed, or empty hearted:  You must bring souls with you, souls in whom you planted His seed, or souls in whom you watered the seed someone else planted, but either way, you went! You went where He sent you and did what He commanded you to do, and lives were eternally blessed because of you as a result of your obedience   - you were a witness of Christ  - wherever you went you were an ambassador of light in a kingdom of darkness   -  declaring the Gospel of the Kingdom to the prisoners,  healing the broken hearted,  restoring sight to the blind, setting at liberty those who are bruised. You demanded the enemy's surrender and you got it. You did not negotiate with him either  - you cast him out in everlasting chains  - into the bottomless pit where he could not torment souls anymore.  You were God's champion, in His "Hall of Faith" and you'll be celebrated,  talked about and praised  - forever. Good for you! I'm so proud of you! You rose up out of the religious chains Satan put on you (using men to do it) and you shook them off and you embraced freedom  - the freedom that can only come from the Holy Spirit,  by living with Him, communing with Him daily  -  eating your daily portion of the Bread of Life he made available to you, your "manna in the wilderness". You drank deep of the water of life and you bore the fruit of the Tree of Life and you were satisfied! You did not have wandering eyes that portrayed a wandering heart  - you remained true to the One who called you to be His bride, Holy and acceptable  - forever. I rejoice with you for the eternal reward that awaits you  - the greatest reward of all  - Jesus himself,  and your soul delivered unto Him to treasure together forever.  Hallelujah!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...