Tuesday, July 16, 2024

 "....and they sewed fig leaves together.....and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God...."

How is it you've managed to avoid God's presence all these years?
   I don't avoid God! I go to church every week!
Yes you do  - and your religion is your fig leaf that you are using to avoid Me. Do you want to hear Me say "depart from Me" on The Judgment Day? 
  Then hear Me well oh one I never knew  -
                                              Adam, where are you?

When the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him, Where art thou?, he was calling out to all mankind  - all who sprang from the loins of Adam  - all who ever lived who came after him, including you and I. He's asking us today  - "Where are you? I miss you. I miss your company,  that I haven't had since you were a child....unless you again become like a child  - you cannot enter My Presence, for a child does not make fig leaves into a covering to hide from Me  - yet that's exactly what you've done with your religion   - you've taken what I've made, you've taken My blessings and My gifts and you're using them to hide from Me  - all the while making it appear to men, who look only upon the outward appearance,  as if you're embracing Me, but I know better. All your rituals and ceremonies cannot hide the fact that I'm not present among you. You use My good Word for evil when you use it to convince people they know (and you know) Me, when you only know my written words, never My spoken words.

Adam, where are you? Why are you avoiding Me? Why are you pretending to know Me when we haven't met privately for years? Will you be made whole? I see you lying there  - crippled by the sins that so easily beset you. I've found you after all these years  - an afterthought to your peers, but first and foremost in My mind. I've sought you out but I ask you again  - Adam, will you be made whole? Will you allow Me to heal you? How will you respond to My Presence, My touch? Will you run and hide again? 

Part two coming soon

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...