Thursday, July 4, 2024

 The following was written in 2018. I quit watching TV back in 2006, but happened to be back in the States visiting relatives, who watch TV incessantly,  so i couldn't help but watch some......

Sat watching some TV last night  - with commercial after endless commercial.  We're constantly bombarded with one Ad after another  - we're urged to buy this, buy that and the thought occured to me  -
In Babylon there will always be one more thing to spend our money on  - one more new product,  new invention  -  or "new and improved" old product  - anything to get us to keep earning money and spending it, earning and spending   - it becomes the rhythm of our lives. Each new year brings with it a newer model car or phone  - always better than the last  - hey, got to keep up with the Jones's! 
It starts when we're children.  Got to have the latest toy, the newest craze! Johnny's got one! I want one too! We quickly become segregated into the world of "haves" and "have nots". It gets worse as teenagers   - when fashion is everything.  Got to have the latest model sneakers, or Jeans, or whatever all the other hip, cool kids are into. The point is  - it's never enough.  There's always a bigger house to buy, a better car or shoe or phone or gadget. As Christians we don't need to buy into it (pun intended). We need to " Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand".

What are Churches most known for by the lost in Babylon? Greed and excess  - lust for more  - money, buildings, etc.  - the exact opposite of Phil: 4:5  - but notice, when Paul says we should be known by our modesty  - our "moderation" (the avoidance of excess) he immediately points out  - "The Lord is at hand" - in other words, unlike the world, who are consumed with greed and lust, who constantly indulge the whims of the flesh  - we have the Lord with us  - so we don't need to spend our lives pursuing material things  - clothing, or even food and drink because He knows we have need of them and He's at hand  - He's right here with us, aware of every need, and providing them, so we are free to spend our lives pursuing Him! And souls, Amen! After all, "Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither" - you can't take it with you!  Only your soul  - and the souls you've won for Christ, can you take to heaven with you. 

This constant pursuit of products is madness  - it's a blight upon our Christianity if we go along with it  - it's an unworthy pursuit to focus our lives on. "LAY NOT UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURES UPON EARTH....BUT LAY UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURES IN HEAVEN  - FOR WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS  - THERE WILL YOUR HEART BE ALSO". 

Ask yourself   - what is it you treasure? What do you value? Do you spend an inordinate amount of time with your personal possessions? Do you spend more time with them than you do with The Lord? Waxing your car, repairing your house, watching your TV? If the only time you spend with the Lord is a few hours on Sundays  - He isn't what you most value  - that's for sure. If all you do is give Him lip service once or twice a week  - the Song of Solomon means nothing to you  - in fact, you haven't read it for years, if ever. 


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...