Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 More - "Throne Room perspective" -

This verse will epitomize every Throne Room gathering   - "AND JESUS CAME AND SPOKE UNTO THEM" Hallelujah!

   We don't want even a single meeting to go by without hearing The Lord speak to us. We are never to force the issue  - we are never to turn His voice into a format or formula  - we aren't ever to feel as if we haven't "had church" unless he speaks to us  - we are, however,  to eagerly anticipate His wonderful voice, His words, recording each one. Our faith comes by hearing the Word of God  - we must never quench the Spirit, nor despise prophecyings. We should seek to avoid having one or two people do all the prophecying.  For some it comes easily,  quite naturally,  the anointing to do it is obvious.  For others, it's a struggle, nevertheless, we want all to become adept at prophecying by reason of use. No one, not one single believer, is exempt from hearing His voice  - from the impartation of the Holy Spirit within them. All can  - and all will, prophecy in our gatherings,  because He, not man, wills it. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...