Wednesday, July 24, 2024

 Are we like cats when we're born again? Are we initially blind? Paul  - when he encountered Christ for the first time  - was blinded. His outward, physical blindness was a powerful witness to him of his inner, spiritual blindness.  Certainly,  all of us who come to Christ  are blind when we first meet him.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to recover the sight of the blind"
Like Paul, we have no idea who our Christ is when we first meet him. We can no more understand what's happened to us than a baby born in the natural understands what's just happened to it when it exits the womb  - but it's spirit can understand. 
The thing of it is  - the experience we call being "born again"  - we are entering the womb, not leaving it. It's our moment of conception  - we still must remain in the womb of the Spirit  - growing and maturing  - surrounded by the love of God  - the water of the Word and the river of the Spirit  - till he deems us ready to be "born again".

When Paul, who thought he could see  - who thought he had a proper revelation and understanding of God, was blinded, he had to be "led by the hand" by the men he was previously leading. The spiritually blind always end up being led by man  - they become dependant on man to show them where they should go  - spiritually. They become the blind that are being led by the blind  - of whom Jesus so eloquently spoke. 

It was only when Paul encountered a prophetic disciple  - one who could hear God and one who would obey God  - that Paul had his sight restored.  Today, God will use all his disciples in the same way, who listen to him and obey him. He will fill their lives with Divine appointments  - setting the captives free  - binding up broken hearts, recovering the sight of the blind and giving Divine liberty to the bruised.   Like Paul, we too will never be able to see properly  - to have the spiritual eyes of our understanding opened   - until we encounter the prophetic aspect of the Holy Spirit's ministry to us. We begin our new life in Christ with a prophetic encounter with God - and we must continue therein - we must not quickly substitute man's voice for God's after we first hear him.

When Paul met Christ  - he found out what his true identity is  - and so shall we  - men, flesh, called him "Saul" but God called him "Paul" - meaning "small", or "humble"      - Paul was ministered to by the disciple Ananias  - after three days  - the same amount of time Jesus was in the tomb  - "Ananias" means "The cloud of The Lord". It's in the glory cloud of the Holy Spirit's presence that we receive our sight  - spiritually, and we lose sight of the flesh and the ways and thoughts ofvman. When Paul met Jesus  - he switched trees. He went from the Tree of knowledge to the Tree of Life. He went from hate to love, from persecuting Christ to serving him. God chose to turn the Church's greatest enemy into it's greatest blessing.  All of us are opposed to Christ until we surrender to him, then we too become his willing servants  - Paul, while he was Saul  - persecuted the Church out of ignorance.  His heart was to bless God  - he just didn't know how. He didn't even know who God was. Today, many "Christians" are in the same situation  - they have a heart to bless God, to serve Him, but they don't know him. As Paul didn't know Jesus - they do not know the Holy Spirit.  Like Paul, though, many of them are destined to have an encounter with their own Ananias  - with the Holy Spirit  - and they too will become completely different people - instead of persecuting their brethren who have accepted  the Holy Spirit  - they will join them. Paul became the very thing he hated! Oh may all God's people have a life changing encounter with the prophetic anointing of the Holy Spirit! May they meet their Ananias on the road of life - on the street called Straight.  May every crooked way in them become straight! May they walk the straight and narrow path that leads to Salvation! 

"Straight is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life  - and few there be that find it"

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...