Saturday, August 3, 2024

 ....guaranteed,  absolutely, no doubt, of a certainty  - follow Christ and you will be rejected of men. You won't be popular, you won't be accepted   - learn the score  - rejection will be yours...

The only ones who will truly love you and embrace you are others who are also following Christ.  Most will shun the pleasure of your company,  but there is one who won't reject you  - that someone,  says the Lord, is me!

Truly the surest sign you are a disciple of Jesus Christ's  is your love:  for your love will, just like His, know no boundaries   - you won't form "cliques", you won't pick and choose whom to love and whom not to love  - indeed  - no one will be denied your love. If you only love those you like, those who return your love, for example,  you'll have no reward in Heaven  - for your love was selfish,  segregated and partial  - all things He is not.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...