Sunday, August 25, 2024

  It's a love issue. It all comes down to love. The enemy wants to cut off our love supply. You've heard of blood supply? Blood banks? We need love banks! We need to bank our love for each other so we can be a love supplier to those running low on love. Some people need a "love transfusion". As blood is to our body, so is love to our soul  - we can't live without it. 

 How's your love supply? Are you running low? Come to me  - I'll give you some of mine. All the problems in the world  - I mean, literally,  all of them, are a result of the lack of love. If everyone simply "loved one another" as Jesus told us to  - there would be no problems, for love worketh no ill to it's neighbor  - love cares for the poor, the widows, the orphans. Love supplies all our needs. Because the world doesn't know God, they don't know how to love, as God loves, without expecting anything in return.  They practice a counterfeit form of love that is fleshly -  it ultimately serves self. Yes, there are people who do their best to love others - who give of themselves  - but ultimately,  their good works mean nothing because they did not bring glory to God: only themselves. They exalted man, not God. Their deeds often stem from pride. Still, in His mercy, God will bless their efforts to love, apart from Him  - problems (sins), do abate, but unless their love leads them to the God who is Love, the problems will sprout again like weeds in an otherwise beautiful garden.

So - we must ensure our personal  supply of love is healthy, and we must donate regularly to those in need. Our local fellowship should be a "love bank" where those in need can go to get loved. Indeed - just as a body must have healthy blood  -  and if it loses enough blood it dies - so does the Body of Christ need love to survive  - and healthy love to prosper. 

This analogy of blood=love is true of the Blood of Jesus - for His blood poured out for us IS HIS LOVE POURED OUT: The life is in the blood could just as well read "the love is in the blood" for His love for us prompted Him to give His life for us  -

 And we too -  if we follow in His footsteps  - if we choose to obey Him, we too must give our lives on behalf of others  -  and we will count it a joy to do so  - if we are truly His disciples, we must love as He does, for we are the carriers of His love on the earth today - He loves through us (check out "love carrier" by Billy Crockett). As a Body (of Christ) carries blood so do we carry love. As He gave His blood so must we give our love on behalf of others  - that they might live, as people who receive a blood transfusion are able to get well and continue living. Many today are running so low on love they're in danger of dying from lack of love. This world is a desert  - where oasis of love are scarce. 

In Hell - their bodies lack one thing  - blood. Their souls too lack one thing forever  - love. In Heaven,  love abounds endlessly,  forever.  I've come to Belfast to give you love  - and that more abundantly! Love really is the key! To everything! (cue Tommy Coomes "love is the key"). So, as Saints, wha happens when we're wounded? When people hate us and despitefully use us? When they slander us, gossip about us behind our backs? When they refuse to love us because their hearts don't have love in them because they don't have Christ in them? What happens? LOVE FLOWS! Just as blood flows when a fleshly wound occurs  - so does love flow when a soulish or heart wound occurs in a saint  - just like Jesus! When He was "wounded for our transgressions" - love poured out of Him - "Father forgive them". Love doesn't see the wounds that others cause  -  love sees them as wounded.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...